Source code for

"""Utility functions for xlnet squad preprocessing"""

__all__ = ['convert_index', 'lcs_match']

import unicodedata
import numpy as np

def _preprocess_text(inputs, lower=False, remove_space=True, keep_accents=False):
    """Remove space, convert to lower case, keep accents.

    inputs: str
        input string
    lower: bool
        If convert the input string to lower case.
    remove_space: bool
        If remove the spaces in the input string.
    keep_accents: bool
        If keep accents in the input string.

    str: processed input string
    if remove_space:
        outputs = ' '.join(inputs.strip().split())
        outputs = inputs
    outputs = outputs.replace('``', '"').replace('\'\'', '"')
    if not keep_accents:
        outputs = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', outputs)
        outputs = ''.join([c for c in outputs if not unicodedata.combining(c)])
    if lower:
        outputs = outputs.lower()
    return outputs

[docs]def convert_index(index_map, pos, M=None, is_start=True): """Working best with lcs_match(), convert the token index to origin text index Parameters ---------- index_map: list of int Typically, it is a map form origin indices to converted indices pos: int The origin index to be converted. M: int The maximum index. is_start: bool True if pos is a start position. Returns ------- int : the converted index regarding index_map """ if index_map[pos] is not None: return index_map[pos] N = len(index_map) rear = pos while rear < N - 1 and index_map[rear] is None: rear += 1 front = pos while front > 0 and index_map[front] is None: front -= 1 assert index_map[front] is not None or index_map[rear] is not None if index_map[front] is None: if index_map[rear] >= 1: if is_start: return 0 else: return index_map[rear] - 1 return index_map[rear] if index_map[rear] is None: if M is not None and index_map[front] < M - 1: if is_start: return index_map[front] + 1 else: return M - 1 return index_map[front] if is_start: if index_map[rear] > index_map[front] + 1: return index_map[front] + 1 else: return index_map[rear] else: if index_map[rear] > index_map[front] + 1: return index_map[rear] - 1 else: return index_map[front]
[docs]def lcs_match(max_dist, seq1, seq2, max_seq_length=1024, lower=False): """Longest common sequence match. unlike standard LCS, this is specifically optimized for the setting because the mismatch between sentence pieces and original text will be small Parameters ---------- max_dist: int The max distance between tokens to be considered. seq1: list The first sequence to be matched. seq2: list The second sequence to be matched. lower: bool If match the lower-cased tokens. Returns ------- numpyArray: Token-wise lcs matrix f. Shape of ((max(len(seq1), 1024), max(len(seq2), 1024)) Map: The dp path in matrix f. g[(i ,j)] == 2 if token_i in seq1 matches token_j in seq2. g[(i, j)] == 1 if token_i in seq1 matches token_{j-1} in seq2. g[(i, j)] == 0 of token_{i-1} in seq1 matches token_j in seq2. """ f = np.zeros((max(len(seq1), max_seq_length), max(len(seq2), max_seq_length)), dtype=np.float32) g = {} for i, token in enumerate(seq1): for j in range(i - max_dist, i + max_dist): if j >= len(seq2) or j < 0: continue if i > 0: g[(i, j)] = 0 f[i, j] = f[i - 1, j] if j > 0 and f[i, j - 1] > f[i, j]: g[(i, j)] = 1 f[i, j] = f[i, j - 1] f_prev = f[i - 1, j - 1] if i > 0 and j > 0 else 0 if (_preprocess_text(token, lower=lower, remove_space=False) == seq2[j] and f_prev + 1 > f[i, j]): g[(i, j)] = 2 f[i, j] = f_prev + 1 return f, g