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"""Utility classes and functions. They help organize and keep statistics of datasets."""
import collections
import os
import tarfile
import zipfile
import random
import sys
import shutil

import numpy as np
from import SimpleDataset
from mxnet.gluon.utils import _get_repo_url, check_sha1, download

from .. import _constants as C
from .. import utils

__all__ = [
    'Counter', 'count_tokens', 'concat_sequence', 'slice_sequence', 'train_valid_split',
    'line_splitter', 'whitespace_splitter', 'Splitter'

[docs]class Counter(collections.Counter): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """Counter class for keeping token frequencies."""
[docs] def discard(self, min_freq, unknown_token): """Discards tokens with frequency below min_frequency and represents them as `unknown_token`. Parameters ---------- min_freq: int Tokens whose frequency is under min_freq is counted as `unknown_token` in the Counter returned. unknown_token: str The representation for any unknown token. Returns ------- The Counter instance. Examples -------- >>> a ={'a': 10, 'b': 1, 'c': 1}) >>> a.discard(3, '<unk>') Counter({'a': 10, '<unk>': 2}) """ freq = 0 ret = Counter({}) for token, count in self.items(): if count < min_freq: freq += count else: ret[token] = count ret[unknown_token] = ret.get(unknown_token, 0) + freq return ret
class DefaultLookupDict(dict): """Dictionary class with fall-back look-up with default value set in the constructor.""" def __init__(self, default, d=None): if d: super(DefaultLookupDict, self).__init__(d) else: super(DefaultLookupDict, self).__init__() self._default = default def __getitem__(self, k): return self.get(k, self._default)
[docs]def count_tokens(tokens, to_lower=False, counter=None): r"""Counts tokens in the specified string. For token_delim='(td)' and seq_delim='(sd)', a specified string of two sequences of tokens may look like:: (td)token1(td)token2(td)token3(td)(sd)(td)token4(td)token5(td)(sd) Parameters ---------- tokens : list of str A source list of tokens. to_lower : bool, default False Whether to convert the source source_str to the lower case. counter : Counter or None, default None The Counter instance to be updated with the counts of `tokens`. If None, return a new Counter instance counting tokens from `tokens`. Returns ------- The `counter` Counter instance after being updated with the token counts of `source_str`. If `counter` is None, return a new Counter instance counting tokens from `source_str`. Examples -------- >>> import re >>> source_str = ' Life is great ! \n life is good . \n' >>> source_str_tokens = filter(None, re.split(' |\n', source_str)) >>> counter = >>> sorted(counter.items()) [('!', 1), ('.', 1), ('Life', 1), ('good', 1), ('great', 1), ('is', 2), ('life', 1)] """ if to_lower: tokens = [t.lower() for t in tokens] if counter is None: return Counter(tokens) else: counter.update(tokens) return counter
[docs]def concat_sequence(sequences): """Concatenate sequences of tokens into a single flattened list of tokens. Parameters ---------- sequences : list of list of object Sequences of tokens, each of which is an iterable of tokens. Returns ------- Flattened list of tokens. """ return [token for seq in sequences for token in seq if token]
[docs]def slice_sequence(sequence, length, pad_last=False, pad_val=C.PAD_TOKEN, overlap=0): """Slice a flat sequence of tokens into sequences tokens, with each inner sequence's length equal to the specified `length`, taking into account the requested sequence overlap. Parameters ---------- sequence : list of object A flat list of tokens. length : int The length of each of the samples. pad_last : bool, default False Whether to pad the last sequence when its length doesn't align. If the last sequence's length doesn't align and ``pad_last`` is False, it will be dropped. pad_val : object, default The padding value to use when the padding of the last sequence is enabled. In general, the type of ``pad_val`` should be the same as the tokens. overlap : int, default 0 The extra number of items in current sample that should overlap with the next sample. Returns ------- List of list of tokens, with the length of each inner list equal to `length`. """ if length <= overlap: raise ValueError('length needs to be larger than overlap') if pad_last: pad_len = _slice_pad_length(len(sequence), length, overlap) sequence = sequence + [pad_val] * pad_len num_samples = (len(sequence) - length) // (length - overlap) + 1 return [sequence[i * (length - overlap): ((i + 1) * length - i * overlap)] for i in range(num_samples)]
def _slice_pad_length(num_items, length, overlap=0): """Calculate the padding length needed for sliced samples in order not to discard data. Parameters ---------- num_items : int Number of items in dataset before collating. length : int The length of each of the samples. overlap : int, default 0 The extra number of items in current sample that should overlap with the next sample. Returns ------- Length of paddings. """ if length <= overlap: raise ValueError('length needs to be larger than overlap') step = length - overlap span = num_items - length residual = span % step if residual: return step - residual else: return 0 # name:[sha hash, file extension, special tokens] _vocab_sha1 = {'wikitext-2': ['be36dc5238c2e7d69720881647ab72eb506d0131', '.vocab', {}], 'gbw': ['ebb1a287ca14d8fa6f167c3a779e5e7ed63ac69f', '.vocab', {}], 'WMT2014_src': ['230ebb817b1d86950d71e2e765f192a4e4f34415', '.vocab', {}], 'WMT2014_tgt': ['230ebb817b1d86950d71e2e765f192a4e4f34415', '.vocab', {}], 'book_corpus_wiki_en_cased': ['2d62af22535ed51f35cc8e2abb607723c89c2636', '.vocab', {}], 'book_corpus_wiki_en_uncased': ['a66073971aa0b1a262453fe51342e57166a8abcf', '.vocab', {}], 'openwebtext_book_corpus_wiki_en_uncased': ['a66073971aa0b1a262453fe51342e57166a8abcf', '.vocab', {}], 'openwebtext_ccnews_stories_books_cased': ['2b804f8f90f9f93c07994b703ce508725061cf43', '.vocab', {}], 'wiki_multilingual_cased': ['0247cb442074237c38c62021f36b7a4dbd2e55f7', '.vocab', {}], 'distilbert_book_corpus_wiki_en_uncased': ['80ef760a6bdafec68c99b691c94ebbb918c90d02', '.vocab', {}], 'wiki_cn_cased': ['ddebd8f3867bca5a61023f73326fb125cf12b4f5', '.vocab', {}], 'wiki_multilingual_uncased': ['2b2514cc539047b9179e9d98a4e68c36db05c97a', '.vocab', {}], 'scibert_scivocab_uncased': ['2d2566bfc416790ab2646ab0ada36ba628628d60', '.vocab', {}], 'scibert_scivocab_cased': ['2c714475b521ab8542cb65e46259f6bfeed8041b', '.vocab', {}], 'scibert_basevocab_uncased': ['80ef760a6bdafec68c99b691c94ebbb918c90d02', '.vocab', {}], 'scibert_basevocab_cased': ['a4ff6fe1f85ba95f3010742b9abc3a818976bb2c', '.vocab', {}], 'biobert_v1.0_pmc_cased': ['a4ff6fe1f85ba95f3010742b9abc3a818976bb2c', '.vocab', {}], 'biobert_v1.0_pubmed_cased': ['a4ff6fe1f85ba95f3010742b9abc3a818976bb2c', '.vocab', {}], 'biobert_v1.0_pubmed_pmc_cased': ['a4ff6fe1f85ba95f3010742b9abc3a818976bb2c', '.vocab', {}], 'biobert_v1.1_pubmed_cased': ['a4ff6fe1f85ba95f3010742b9abc3a818976bb2c', '.vocab', {}], 'clinicalbert_uncased': ['80ef760a6bdafec68c99b691c94ebbb918c90d02', '.vocab', {}], 'baidu_ernie_uncased': ['223553643220255e2a0d4c60e946f4ad7c719080', '.vocab', {}], 'openai_webtext': ['f917dc7887ce996068b0a248c8d89a7ec27b95a1', '.vocab', {}], 'xlnet_126gb': ['0d74490383bbc5c62b8bcea74d8b74a1bb1280b3', '.vocab', {}], 'kobert_news_wiki_ko_cased': ['f86b1a8355819ba5ab55e7ea4a4ec30fdb5b084f', '.spiece', {'padding_token': '[PAD]'}]} _url_format = '{repo_url}gluon/dataset/vocab/{file_name}.zip'
[docs]def train_valid_split(dataset, valid_ratio=0.05, stratify=None): """Split the dataset into training and validation sets. Parameters ---------- dataset : list A list of training samples. valid_ratio : float, default 0.05 Proportion of training samples to use for validation set range: [0, 1] stratify : list, default None If not None, data is split in a stratified fashion, using the contents of stratify as class labels. Returns ------- train : SimpleDataset valid : SimpleDataset """ if not 0.0 <= valid_ratio <= 1.0: raise ValueError('valid_ratio should be in [0, 1]') if not stratify: num_train = len(dataset) num_valid = np.ceil(num_train * valid_ratio).astype('int') indices = np.arange(num_train) np.random.shuffle(indices) valid = SimpleDataset([dataset[indices[i]] for i in range(num_valid)]) train = SimpleDataset( [dataset[indices[i + num_valid]] for i in range(num_train - num_valid)]) return train, valid else: if not isinstance(stratify, list): raise TypeError('stratify should be a list') if not len(stratify) == len(dataset): raise ValueError('stratify should be the same length as num_train') classes, digitized = np.unique(stratify, return_inverse=True) n_classes = len(classes) num_class = np.bincount(digitized) num_valid = np.ceil(valid_ratio * num_class).astype('int') valid = [] train = [] for idx in range(n_classes): indices = np.nonzero(stratify == classes[idx])[0] np.random.shuffle(indices) valid += [dataset[indices[i]] for i in range(num_valid[idx])] train += [dataset[indices[i + num_valid[idx]]] for i in range(num_class[idx] - num_valid[idx])] np.random.shuffle(valid) np.random.shuffle(train) train = SimpleDataset(train) valid = SimpleDataset(valid) return train, valid
def short_hash(name): if name not in _vocab_sha1: vocabs = list(_vocab_sha1.keys()) raise ValueError('Vocabulary for {name} is not available. ' 'Hosted vocabularies include: {vocabs}'.format(name=name, vocabs=vocabs)) return _vocab_sha1[name][0][:8] def _get_vocab_tokenizer_info(name, root): file_name = '{name}-{short_hash}'.format(name=name, short_hash=short_hash(name)) root = os.path.expanduser(root) sha1_hash, file_ext, special_tokens = _vocab_sha1[name] return file_name, file_ext, sha1_hash, special_tokens def _download_vocab_tokenizer(root, file_name, file_ext, file_path): utils.mkdir(root) temp_num = str(random.Random().randint(1, sys.maxsize)) temp_root = os.path.join(root, temp_num) temp_file_path = os.path.join(temp_root, file_name + file_ext) temp_zip_file_path = os.path.join(temp_root, temp_num + '_' + file_name + '.zip') repo_url = _get_repo_url() download(_url_format.format(repo_url=repo_url, file_name=file_name), path=temp_zip_file_path, overwrite=True) with zipfile.ZipFile(temp_zip_file_path) as zf: assert file_name + file_ext in zf.namelist(), '{} not part of {}. Only have: {}'.format( file_name + file_ext, file_name + '.zip', zf.namelist()) utils.mkdir(temp_root) zf.extractall(temp_root) os.replace(temp_file_path, file_path) shutil.rmtree(temp_root) def _load_pretrained_vocab(name, root, cls=None): """Load the accompanying vocabulary object for pre-trained model. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the vocabulary, usually the name of the dataset. root : str Location for keeping the model vocabulary. cls : nlp.Vocab or nlp.vocab.BERTVocab, default nlp.Vocab Returns ------- Vocab or nlp.vocab.BERTVocab, Tokenizer or None Loaded vocabulary object and Tokenizer for the pre-trained model. """ file_name, file_ext, sha1_hash, special_tokens = _get_vocab_tokenizer_info(name, root) file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name + file_ext) if os.path.exists(file_path): if check_sha1(file_path, sha1_hash): return _load_vocab_file(file_path, cls, **special_tokens) else: print('Detected mismatch in the content of model vocab file. Downloading again.') else: print('Vocab file is not found. Downloading.') _download_vocab_tokenizer(root, file_name, file_ext, file_path) if check_sha1(file_path, sha1_hash): return _load_vocab_file(file_path, cls, **special_tokens) else: raise ValueError('Downloaded file has different hash. Please try again.') def _load_pretrained_sentencepiece_tokenizer(name, root, **kwargs): from import SentencepieceTokenizer # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel file_name, file_ext, sha1_hash, _ = _get_vocab_tokenizer_info(name, root) file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name + file_ext) if os.path.exists(file_path): if check_sha1(file_path, sha1_hash): assert file_path.endswith('.spiece') return SentencepieceTokenizer(file_path, **kwargs) else: print('Detected mismatch in the content of model tokenizer file. Downloading again.') else: print('tokenizer file is not found. Downloading.') _download_vocab_tokenizer(root, file_name, file_ext, file_path) if check_sha1(file_path, sha1_hash): assert file_path.endswith('.spiece') return SentencepieceTokenizer(file_path, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Downloaded file has different hash. Please try again.') def _load_vocab_file(file_path, cls, **kwargs): with open(file_path, 'r') as f: if cls is None: from ..vocab import Vocab # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel cls = Vocab if file_path.endswith('.spiece'): assert kwargs is not None, 'special tokens must be specified when .spiece provide.' from ..vocab import BERTVocab # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel return BERTVocab.from_sentencepiece( file_path, **kwargs) else: return cls.from_json( def _extract_archive(file, target_dir): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """Extract archive file Parameters ---------- file : str Absolute path of the archive file. target_dir : str Target directory of the archive to be uncompressed """ if file.endswith('.gz') or file.endswith('.tar') or file.endswith('.tgz'): archive =, 'r') elif file.endswith('.zip'): archive = zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'r') else: raise Exception('Unrecognized file type: ' + file) archive.extractall(path=target_dir) archive.close()
[docs]def line_splitter(s): """Split a string at newlines. Parameters ---------- s : str The string to be split Returns -------- List[str] List of strings. Obtained by calling s.splitlines(). """ return s.splitlines()
[docs]def whitespace_splitter(s): """Split a string at whitespace (space, tab, newline, return, formfeed). Parameters ---------- s : str The string to be split Returns -------- List[str] List of strings. Obtained by calling s.split(). """ return s.split()
[docs]class Splitter: """Split a string based on a separator. Parameters ---------- separator : str The separator based on which string is split. """ def __init__(self, separator=None): self._separator = separator
[docs] def __call__(self, s): """Split a string based on the separator. Parameters ---------- s : str The string to be split Returns -------- List[str] List of strings. Obtained by calling s.split(separator). """ return s.split(self._separator)