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# pylint: disable=invalid-encoded-data, too-many-lines
"""Transformer API. It provides tools for common transformation on samples in text dataset, such as
clipping, padding, and tokenization."""

__all__ = [
    'ClipSequence', 'PadSequence', 'SacreMosesTokenizer',
    'SpacyTokenizer', 'SacreMosesDetokenizer',
    'JiebaTokenizer', 'NLTKStanfordSegmenter', 'SentencepieceTokenizer',
    'SentencepieceDetokenizer', 'BERTBasicTokenizer', 'BERTTokenizer',
    'BERTSentenceTransform', 'BERTSPTokenizer',
    'GPT2BPETokenizer', 'GPT2BPEDetokenizer'

import functools
import io
import os
import time
import unicodedata
import warnings
import zipfile
from typing import List, Optional

import mxnet as mx
from mxnet.gluon.utils import _get_repo_url, check_sha1, download
import numpy as np

from ..base import get_home_dir
from ..vocab.vocab import Vocab
from .utils import _extract_archive
from .fast_bert_tokenizer import is_control, is_punctuation, is_whitespace
from .fast_bert_tokenizer import BasicTokenizer, WordpieceTokenizer

[docs]class ClipSequence: """Clip the sequence to have length no more than `length`. Parameters ---------- length : int Maximum length of the sequence Examples -------- >>> datasets =[[1, 3, 5, 7], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]) >>> list(datasets.transform( [[1, 3, 5, 7], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4]] >>> datasets =[np.array([[1, 3], [5, 7], [7, 5], [3, 1]]), ... np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], ... [6, 5], [4, 3], [2, 1]]), ... np.array([[2, 4], [4, 2]])]) >>> list(datasets.transform( [array([[1, 3], [5, 7], [7, 5]]), array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]), array([[2, 4], [4, 2]])] """ def __init__(self, length): self._length = length
[docs] def __call__(self, sample): return sample[:min(len(sample), self._length)]
[docs]class PadSequence: """Pad the sequence. Pad the sequence to the given `length` by inserting `pad_val`. If `clip` is set, sequence that has length larger than `length` will be clipped. Parameters ---------- length : int The maximum length to pad/clip the sequence pad_val : number The pad value. Default 0 clip : bool Examples -------- >>> datasets =[[1, 3, 5, 7], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]) >>> list(datasets.transform( [[1, 3, 5, 7, 0, 0], [1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]] >>> list(datasets.transform(, clip=False))) [[1, 3, 5, 7, 0, 0], [1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]] >>> list(datasets.transform(, pad_val=-1, clip=False))) [[1, 3, 5, 7, -1, -1], [1, 2, 3, -1, -1, -1], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]] """ def __init__(self, length, pad_val=0, clip=True): self._length = length self._pad_val = pad_val self._clip = clip
[docs] def __call__(self, sample): """ Parameters ---------- sample : list of number or mx.nd.NDArray or np.ndarray Returns ------- ret : list of number or mx.nd.NDArray or np.ndarray """ sample_length = len(sample) if sample_length >= self._length: if self._clip and sample_length > self._length: return sample[:self._length] else: return sample else: if isinstance(sample, mx.nd.NDArray): # TODO(sxjscience) Use this trick for padding because mx.pad currently only supports # 4D/5D inputs new_sample_shape = (self._length, ) + sample.shape[1:] ret = mx.nd.full(shape=new_sample_shape, val=self._pad_val, ctx=sample.context, dtype=sample.dtype) ret[:sample_length] = sample return ret elif isinstance(sample, np.ndarray): pad_width = [(0, self._length - sample_length)] +\ [(0, 0) for _ in range(sample.ndim - 1)] return np.pad(sample, mode='constant', constant_values=self._pad_val, pad_width=pad_width) elif isinstance(sample, list): return sample + [ self._pad_val for _ in range(self._length - sample_length) ] else: raise NotImplementedError( 'The input must be 1) list or 2) numpy.ndarray or 3) ' 'mxnet.NDArray, received type=%s' % str(type(sample)))
[docs]class SacreMosesTokenizer: """Apply the Moses Tokenizer implemented in sacremoses. Users of this class are required to install `sacremoses <>`_. For example, one can use :samp:`pip install sacremoses`. .. note:: sacremoses carries an LGPL 2.1+ license. Examples -------- >>> tokenizer = >>> tokenizer('Gluon NLP toolkit provides a suite of text processing tools.') ['Gluon', 'NLP', 'toolkit', 'provides', 'a', 'suite', 'of', 'text', 'processing', 'tools', '.'] >>> tokenizer('Das Gluon NLP-Toolkit stellt eine Reihe von Textverarbeitungstools ' ... 'zur Verfügung.') ['Das', 'Gluon', 'NLP-Toolkit', 'stellt', 'eine', 'Reihe', 'von', 'Textverarbeitungstools', \ 'zur', 'Verf\xfcgung', '.'] """ def __init__(self): from sacremoses import MosesTokenizer # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel self._tokenizer = MosesTokenizer()
[docs] def __call__(self, sample: str, return_str: bool = False): """Tokenize a sample. Parameters ---------- sample The sentence to tokenize return_str True: return a single string False: return a list of tokens Returns ------- ret : list of strs or str List of tokens or tokenized text """ return self._tokenizer.tokenize(sample, return_str=return_str)
[docs]class SpacyTokenizer: """Apply the Spacy Tokenizer. Users of this class are required to install `spaCy <>`_ and download corresponding NLP models, such as :samp:`python -m spacy download en`. Only spacy>=2.0.0 is supported. Parameters ---------- lang : str The language to tokenize. Default is 'en', i.e, English. You may refer to for supported languages. Examples -------- >>> tokenizer = >>> tokenizer('Gluon NLP toolkit provides a suite of text processing tools.') ['Gluon', 'NLP', 'toolkit', 'provides', 'a', 'suite', 'of', 'text', 'processing', 'tools', '.'] >>> tokenizer ='de') >>> tokenizer('Das Gluon NLP-Toolkit stellt eine Reihe von Textverarbeitungstools' ... ' zur Verfügung.') ['Das', 'Gluon', 'NLP-Toolkit', 'stellt', 'eine', 'Reihe', 'von', 'Textverarbeitungstools', \ 'zur', 'Verf\xfcgung', '.'] """ def __init__(self, lang='en_core_web_sm'): try: import spacy # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from pkg_resources import parse_version # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel assert parse_version(spacy.__version__) >= parse_version('2.0.0'),\ 'We only support spacy>=2.0.0' except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'spaCy is not installed. You must install spaCy in order to use the ' 'SpacyTokenizer. You can refer to the official installation guide ' 'in') try: self._nlp = spacy.load(lang, disable=['parser', 'tagger', 'ner']) except IOError: raise IOError( 'SpaCy Model for the specified language="{lang}" has not been ' 'downloaded. You need to check the installation guide in ' ' Usually, the installation command ' 'should be `python -m spacy download {lang}`.'.format( lang=lang))
[docs] def __call__(self, sample): """ Parameters ---------- sample: str The sentence to tokenize Returns ------- ret : list of strs List of tokens """ return [tok.text for tok in self._nlp(sample)]
[docs]class SacreMosesDetokenizer: r"""Apply the Moses Detokenizer implemented in sacremoses. Users of this class are required to `install sacremoses <>`_. For example, one can use :samp:`pip install sacremoses`. .. note:: sacremoses carries an LGPL 2.1+ license. Parameters ---------- return_str: bool, default False True: return a single string False: return a list of words Examples -------- >>> detokenizer = >>> detokenizer(['Gluon', 'NLP', 'toolkit', 'provides', 'a', 'suite', 'of', ... 'text', 'processing', 'tools', '.'], return_str=True) 'Gluon NLP toolkit provides a suite of text processing tools.' >>> detokenizer(['Das', 'Gluon','NLP-Toolkit','stellt','eine','Reihe','von', ... 'Textverarbeitungstools','zur','Verfügung','.'], return_str=True) 'Das Gluon NLP-Toolkit stellt eine Reihe von Textverarbeitungstools zur Verfügung.' """ def __init__(self, return_str=True): self._return_str = return_str from sacremoses import MosesDetokenizer # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel self._detokenizer = MosesDetokenizer()
[docs] def __call__(self, sample: List[str], return_str: Optional[bool] = None): """ Parameters ---------- sample The sentence to detokenize return_str True: return a single string False: return a list of words None: use constructor setting Returns ------- ret : list of strs or str List of words or detokenized text """ ret_str = self._return_str if return_str is None else return_str return self._detokenizer.detokenize(sample, return_str=ret_str)
[docs]class JiebaTokenizer: r"""Apply the jieba Tokenizer. Users of this class are required to `install jieba <>`_ Parameters ---------- lang : str The language to tokenize. Default is "zh", i.e, Chinese. Examples -------- >>> tokenizer = >>> tokenizer('我来到北京清华大学') ['我', '来到', '北京', '清华大学'] >>> tokenizer('小明硕士毕业于中国科学院计算所,后在日本京都大学深造') ['小明', '硕士', '毕业', '于', '中国科学院', '计算所', ',', '后', '在', '日本京都大学', '深造'] """ def __init__(self): try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): # jieba uses deprecated imp module warnings.simplefilter('ignore') import jieba # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'jieba is not installed. You must install jieba in order to use the ' 'JiebaTokenizer. You can refer to the official installation guide ' 'in') self._tokenizer = jieba
[docs] def __call__(self, sample): """ Parameters ---------- sample: str The Chinese sentence to tokenize. Better not to input sentence in other languages since this class is mainly used for Chinese Word Segmentation. Returns ------- ret : list of strs List of tokens """ # we use default cutting mode provided by jieba, i.e., accurate mode return [ tok for tok in self._tokenizer.cut(sample) if tok not in (' ', '') ]
[docs]class NLTKStanfordSegmenter: r"""Apply the Stanford Chinese Word Segmenter implemented in NLTK. Users of this class are required to install Java, NLTK and download Stanford Word Segmenter Parameters ---------- segmenter_root : str, default '$MXNET_HOME/stanford-segmenter' Path to folder for storing stanford segmenter. MXNET_HOME defaults to '~/.mxnet'. slf4j_root : str, default '$MXNET_HOME/slf4j' Path to foler for storing slf4j. MXNET_HOME defaults to '~/.mxnet' java_class : str, default '' The learning algorithm used for segmentation Examples -------- >>> tokenizer = #doctest:+SKIP >>> tokenizer('我来到北京清华大学') #doctest:+SKIP ['我', '来到', '北京', '清华大学'] >>> tokenizer('小明硕士毕业于中国科学院计算所,后在日本京都大学深造') #doctest:+SKIP ['小明', '硕士', '毕业', '于', '中国科学院', '计算所', ',', '后', '在', '日本京都大学', '深造'] """ def __init__(self, segmenter_root=os.path.join(get_home_dir(), 'stanford-segmenter'), slf4j_root=os.path.join(get_home_dir(), 'slf4j'), java_class=''): is_java_exist = os.system('java -version') assert is_java_exist == 0, 'Java is not installed. You must install Java 8.0' \ 'in order to use the NLTKStanfordSegmenter' try: from nltk.tokenize import StanfordSegmenter # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'NLTK or relevant packages are not installed. You must install NLTK ' 'in order to use the NLTKStanfordSegmenter. You can refer to the ' 'official installation guide in' ) path_to_jar = os.path.join(segmenter_root, 'stanford-segmenter-2018-02-27', 'stanford-segmenter-3.9.1.jar') path_to_model = os.path.join(segmenter_root, 'stanford-segmenter-2018-02-27', 'data', 'pku.gz') path_to_dict = os.path.join(segmenter_root, 'stanford-segmenter-2018-02-27', 'data', 'dict-chris6.ser.gz') path_to_sihan_corpora_dict = os.path.join( segmenter_root, 'stanford-segmenter-2018-02-27', 'data') segmenter_url = '' segmenter_sha1 = 'aa27a6433704b7b4c6a14be1c126cb4b14b8f57b' stanford_segmenter = os.path.join(segmenter_root, '') if not os.path.exists(path_to_jar) or \ not os.path.exists(path_to_model) or \ not os.path.exists(path_to_dict) or \ not os.path.exists(path_to_sihan_corpora_dict) or \ not check_sha1(filename=stanford_segmenter, sha1_hash=segmenter_sha1): # automatically download the files from the website and place them to stanford_root if not os.path.exists(segmenter_root): os.mkdir(segmenter_root) download(url=segmenter_url, path=segmenter_root, sha1_hash=segmenter_sha1) _extract_archive(file=stanford_segmenter, target_dir=segmenter_root) path_to_slf4j = os.path.join(slf4j_root, 'slf4j-1.7.25', 'slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar') slf4j_url = '' slf4j_sha1 = '89ea41ad6ebe1b190139421bb7c8d981e9df1625' slf4j = os.path.join(slf4j_root, '') if not os.path.exists(path_to_slf4j) or \ not check_sha1(filename=slf4j, sha1_hash=slf4j_sha1): # automatically download the files from the website and place them to slf4j_root if not os.path.exists(slf4j_root): os.mkdir(slf4j_root) download(url=slf4j_url, path=slf4j_root, sha1_hash=slf4j_sha1) _extract_archive(file=slf4j, target_dir=slf4j_root) self._tokenizer = StanfordSegmenter( java_class=java_class, path_to_jar=path_to_jar, path_to_slf4j=path_to_slf4j, path_to_dict=path_to_dict, path_to_sihan_corpora_dict=path_to_sihan_corpora_dict, path_to_model=path_to_model)
[docs] def __call__(self, sample): """ Parameters ---------- sample: str The Chinese sentence to tokenize. Better not to input sentence in other languages since this class is mainly used for Chinese Word Segmentation. Returns ------- ret : list of strs List of tokens """ return self._tokenizer.segment(sample).strip().split()
class _SentencepieceProcessor: def __init__(self, path): try: import sentencepiece # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'sentencepiece is not installed. You must install sentencepiece ' 'in order to use the Sentencepiece tokenizer and detokenizer. ' 'You can refer to the official installation guide ' 'in') self._processor = sentencepiece.SentencePieceProcessor() self._processor.Load(path) def __len__(self): return len(self._processor) @property def tokens(self): return [self._processor.id_to_piece(i) for i in range(len(self))]
[docs]class SentencepieceTokenizer(_SentencepieceProcessor): r"""Apply the Sentencepiece Tokenizer, which supports subword tokenization such as BPE. Users of this class are required to `install sentencepiece <>`_. For example, one can use :samp:`pip install sentencepiece` Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the pre-trained subword tokenization model. num_best : int, default 0 A scalar for sampling subwords. If num_best = {0,1}, no sampling is performed. If num_best > 1, then samples from the num_best results. If num_best < 0, then assume that num_best is infinite and samples from the all hypothesis (lattice) using forward-filtering-and-backward-sampling algorithm. alpha : float, default 1.0 A scalar for a smoothing parameter. Inverse temperature for probability rescaling. Examples -------- >>> url = '' >>> f = -etc- >>> tokenizer = >>> detokenizer = >>> sentence = 'This is a very awesome, life-changing sentence.' >>> tokenizer(sentence) ['▁This', '▁is', '▁a', '▁very', '▁awesome', ',', '▁life', '-', 'ch', 'anging', '▁sentence', '.'] >>> detokenizer(tokenizer(sentence)) 'This is a very awesome, life-changing sentence.' >>> os.remove('test-0690baed.bpe') """ def __init__(self, path, num_best=0, alpha=1.0): super(SentencepieceTokenizer, self).__init__(path) self._path = path self._nbest = num_best self._alpha = alpha
[docs] def __call__(self, sample): """ Parameters ---------- sample: str The string to tokenize. Returns ------- ret : list of strs List of tokens """ return self._processor.SampleEncodeAsPieces(sample, self._nbest, self._alpha)
[docs]class SentencepieceDetokenizer(_SentencepieceProcessor): r"""Apply the Sentencepiece detokenizer, which supports recombining subwords such as BPE. Users of this class are required to `install sentencepiece <>`_. For example, one can use :samp:`pip install sentencepiece` Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the pre-trained subword tokenization model. Examples -------- >>> url = '' >>> f = -etc- >>> tokenizer = >>> detokenizer = >>> sentence = 'This is a very awesome, life-changing sentence.' >>> tokenizer(sentence) ['▁This', '▁is', '▁a', '▁very', '▁awesome', ',', '▁life', '-', 'ch', 'anging', '▁sentence', '.'] >>> detokenizer(tokenizer(sentence)) 'This is a very awesome, life-changing sentence.' >>> os.remove('test-0690baed.bpe') """
[docs] def __call__(self, sample): """ Parameters ---------- sample: list(str) The sentence to detokenize Returns ------- ret : str Detokenized text """ return self._processor.DecodePieces(sample)
[docs]class BERTBasicTokenizer: r"""Runs basic tokenization performs invalid character removal (e.g. control chars) and whitespace. tokenize CJK chars. splits punctuation on a piece of text. strips accents and convert to lower case.(If lower is true) Parameters ---------- lower : bool, default True whether the text strips accents and convert to lower case. Examples -------- >>> tokenizer = >>> tokenizer(' \tHeLLo!how \n Are yoU? ') ['hello', '!', 'how', 'are', 'you', '?'] >>> tokenizer = >>> tokenizer(' \tHeLLo!how \n Are yoU? ') ['HeLLo', '!', 'how', 'Are', 'yoU', '?'] """ def __init__(self, lower=True): self.tokenizer = BasicTokenizer(lower=lower)
[docs] def __call__(self, sample): """ Parameters ---------- sample: str The string to tokenize. Must be unicode. Returns ------- ret : list of strs List of tokens """ return self.tokenizer.tokenize(sample)
def _is_control(self, char): """Checks whether `chars` is a control character.""" return is_control(char, unicodedata.category(char)) def _is_punctuation(self, char): """Checks whether `chars` is a punctuation character.""" return is_punctuation(char, unicodedata.category(char)) def _is_whitespace(self, char): """Checks whether `chars` is a whitespace character.""" return is_whitespace(char, unicodedata.category(char))
[docs]class BERTTokenizer: r"""End-to-end tokenization for BERT models. Parameters ---------- vocab Vocabulary for the corpus. lower whether the text strips accents and convert to lower case. If you use the BERT pre-training model, lower is set to Flase when using the cased model, otherwise it is set to True. max_input_chars_per_word lru_cache_size Maximum size of a least-recently-used cache to speed up tokenization. Use size of 2**20 for example. Examples -------- >>> _, vocab = gluonnlp.model.bert_12_768_12(dataset_name='wiki_multilingual_uncased', ... pretrained=False, root='./model') -etc- >>> tokenizer = >>> tokenizer('gluonnlp: 使NLP变得简单。') ['gl', '##uo', '##nn', '##lp', ':', '使', 'nl', '##p', '变', '得', '简', '单', '。'] """ _special_prefix = '##' def __init__(self, vocab: Vocab, lower: bool = True, max_input_chars_per_word: int = 200, lru_cache_size: Optional[int] = None): self.vocab = vocab self.max_input_chars_per_word = max_input_chars_per_word self.basic_tokenizer = BasicTokenizer(lower=lower) self.wordpiece_tokenizer = WordpieceTokenizer(vocab=vocab, unk_token=vocab.unknown_token, max_input_chars_per_word=\ max_input_chars_per_word) if lru_cache_size: self._word_to_wordpiece_optimized = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=lru_cache_size)( self._word_to_wordpiece_optimized)
[docs] def __call__(self, sample): """ Parameters ---------- sample: str The string to tokenize. Returns ------- ret : list of strs List of tokens """ return self._tokenizer(sample)
def _tokenizer(self, text): split_tokens = [] for token in self.basic_tokenizer.tokenize(text): for sub_token in self._word_to_wordpiece_optimized(token): split_tokens.append(sub_token) return split_tokens def _word_to_wordpiece_optimized(self, text): # pylint: disable=method-hidden return self.wordpiece_tokenizer.tokenize(text)
[docs] def convert_tokens_to_ids(self, tokens): """Converts a sequence of tokens into ids using the vocab.""" return self.vocab.to_indices(tokens)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_first_subword(token): """Check if a token is the beginning of subwords. Parameters ---------- token : str The input token. Returns ------- ret : True if the token is the beginning of a serious of wordpieces. Examples -------- >>> _, vocab = gluonnlp.model.bert_12_768_12(dataset_name='wiki_multilingual_uncased', ... pretrained=False, root='./bert_tokenizer') -etc- >>> tokenizer = >>> tokenizer('gluonnlp: 使NLP变得简单。') ['gl', '##uo', '##nn', '##lp', ':', '使', 'nl', '##p', '变', '得', '简', '单', '。'] >>> tokenizer.is_first_subword('gl') True >>> tokenizer.is_first_subword('##uo') False """ return not token.startswith(BERTTokenizer._special_prefix)
[docs]class BERTSPTokenizer: r"""End-to-end SentencePiece tokenization for BERT models. It works best with BERTSentenceTransform(). .. note:: BERTSPTokenizer depends on the sentencepiece library. For multi-processing with BERTSPTokenizer, making an extra copy of the BERTSPTokenizer instance is recommended before using it. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the pre-trained subword tokenization model. vocab : gluonnlp.Vocab Vocabulary for the corpus. num_best : int, default 0 A scalar for sampling subwords. If num_best = {0,1}, no sampling is performed. If num_best > 1, then samples from the num_best results. If num_best < 0, then assume that num_best is infinite and samples from the all hypothesis (lattice) using forward-filtering-and-backward-sampling algorithm. alpha : float A scalar for a smoothing parameter. Inverse temperature for probability rescaling. lower : bool, default True Whether the text strips accents and convert to lower case. If you use the BERT pre-training model, lower is set to False when using the cased model, otherwise it is set to True. max_input_chars_per_word : int, default 200 Examples -------- >>> url = '' >>> f = -etc- >>> bert_vocab = gluonnlp.vocab.BERTVocab.from_sentencepiece(f) >>> sp_tokenizer = BERTSPTokenizer(f, bert_vocab, lower=True) >>> sentence = 'Better is to bow than break.' >>> sp_tokenizer(sentence) ['▁better', '▁is', '▁to', '▁b', 'ow', '▁than', '▁brea', 'k', '▁', '.'] >>> os.remove('test-682b5d15.bpe') """ _special_prefix = '▁' def __init__(self, path, vocab, num_best=0, alpha=1.0, lower=True, max_input_chars_per_word=200): self._path = path self._num_best = num_best self._alpha = alpha self.sentencepiece = None self.basic_tokenizer = BERTBasicTokenizer(lower=lower) self.vocab = vocab self.max_input_chars_per_word = max_input_chars_per_word def _activate_sp(self): self.sentencepiece = SentencepieceTokenizer(self._path, self._num_best, self._alpha)
[docs] def __call__(self, sample): """ Parameters ---------- sample: str The string to tokenize. Returns ------- ret : list of strs List of tokens """ return self._tokenizer(sample)
def _tokenizer(self, text): split_tokens = [] for token in self.basic_tokenizer(text): for sub_token in self._tokenize_wordpiece(token): split_tokens.append(sub_token) return split_tokens def _tokenize_wordpiece(self, text): """Tokenizes a piece of text into its word pieces. This use Google's SentencePiece tokenizer model file For example: input = "unaffable" output = ["▁un", "aff", "able"] Args: text: A single token or whitespace separated tokens. This should have already been passed through `BERTBasicTokenizer. Returns: A list of sentencepieced tokens. """ # Swig object can not be pickled when multiprocessing. if self.sentencepiece is None: self._activate_sp() output_tokens = self.sentencepiece(text) return output_tokens
[docs] def convert_tokens_to_ids(self, tokens): """Converts a sequence of tokens into ids using the vocab.""" return self.vocab.to_indices(tokens)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_first_subword(token): """Check if a string token is a subword following a previous subword, instead of the beginning of a word. Parameters ---------- token : str The input token. Returns ------- ret : True if the token is the beginning of a series of subwords, Examples -------- >>> url = '' >>> f = -etc- >>> bert_vocab = gluonnlp.vocab.BERTVocab.from_sentencepiece(f) >>> sp_tokenizer = BERTSPTokenizer(f, bert_vocab, lower=True) >>> sp_tokenizer('Better is to bow than break.') ['▁better', '▁is', '▁to', '▁b', 'ow', '▁than', '▁brea', 'k', '▁', '.'] >>> sp_tokenizer.is_first_subword('▁better') True >>> sp_tokenizer.is_first_subword('ow') False >>> os.remove('test-682b5d15.bpe') """ return token.startswith(BERTSPTokenizer._special_prefix)
[docs]class BERTSentenceTransform: r"""BERT style data transformation. Parameters ---------- tokenizer : BERTTokenizer. Tokenizer for the sentences. max_seq_length : int. Maximum sequence length of the sentences. vocab : Vocab The vocabulary which has cls_token and sep_token registered. If vocab.cls_token is not present, vocab.bos_token is used instead. If vocab.sep_token is not present, vocab.eos_token is used instead. pad : bool, default True Whether to pad the sentences to maximum length. pair : bool, default True Whether to transform sentences or sentence pairs. """ def __init__(self, tokenizer, max_seq_length, vocab=None, pad=True, pair=True): self._tokenizer = tokenizer self._max_seq_length = max_seq_length self._pad = pad self._pair = pair self._vocab = self._tokenizer.vocab if vocab is None else vocab # RoBERTa does not register CLS token and SEP token if hasattr(self._vocab, 'cls_token'): self._cls_token = self._vocab.cls_token else: self._cls_token = self._vocab.bos_token if hasattr(self._vocab, 'sep_token'): self._sep_token = self._vocab.sep_token else: self._sep_token = self._vocab.eos_token self._padding_token = self._vocab.padding_token
[docs] def __call__(self, line): """Perform transformation for sequence pairs or single sequences. The transformation is processed in the following steps: - tokenize the input sequences - insert [CLS], [SEP] as necessary - generate type ids to indicate whether a token belongs to the first sequence or the second sequence. - generate valid length For sequence pairs, the input is a tuple of 2 strings: text_a, text_b. Inputs: text_a: 'is this jacksonville ?' text_b: 'no it is not' Tokenization: text_a: 'is this jack ##son ##ville ?' text_b: 'no it is not .' Processed: tokens: '[CLS] is this jack ##son ##ville ? [SEP] no it is not . [SEP]' type_ids: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 valid_length: 14 For single sequences, the input is a tuple of single string: text_a. Inputs: text_a: 'the dog is hairy .' Tokenization: text_a: 'the dog is hairy .' Processed: text_a: '[CLS] the dog is hairy . [SEP]' type_ids: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 valid_length: 7 If vocab.cls_token and vocab.sep_token are not present, vocab.bos_token and vocab.eos_token are used instead. Parameters ---------- line: tuple of str Input strings. For sequence pairs, the input is a tuple of 2 strings: (text_a, text_b). For single sequences, the input is a tuple of single string: (text_a,). Returns ------- np.array: input token ids in 'int32', shape (batch_size, seq_length) np.array: valid length in 'int32', shape (batch_size,) np.array: input token type ids in 'int32', shape (batch_size, seq_length) """ # convert to unicode text_a = line[0] if self._pair: assert len(line) == 2 text_b = line[1] tokens_a = self._tokenizer(text_a) tokens_b = None if self._pair: tokens_b = self._tokenizer(text_b) if tokens_b: # Modifies `tokens_a` and `tokens_b` in place so that the total # length is less than the specified length. # Account for [CLS], [SEP], [SEP] with "- 3" self._truncate_seq_pair(tokens_a, tokens_b, self._max_seq_length - 3) else: # Account for [CLS] and [SEP] with "- 2" if len(tokens_a) > self._max_seq_length - 2: tokens_a = tokens_a[0:(self._max_seq_length - 2)] # The embedding vectors for `type=0` and `type=1` were learned during # pre-training and are added to the wordpiece embedding vector # (and position vector). This is not *strictly* necessary since # the [SEP] token unambiguously separates the sequences, but it makes # it easier for the model to learn the concept of sequences. # For classification tasks, the first vector (corresponding to [CLS]) is # used as as the "sentence vector". Note that this only makes sense because # the entire model is fine-tuned. tokens = [] tokens.append(self._cls_token) tokens.extend(tokens_a) tokens.append(self._sep_token) segment_ids = [0] * len(tokens) if tokens_b: tokens.extend(tokens_b) tokens.append(self._sep_token) segment_ids.extend([1] * (len(tokens) - len(segment_ids))) input_ids = self._vocab[tokens] # The valid length of sentences. Only real tokens are attended to. valid_length = len(input_ids) if self._pad: # Zero-pad up to the sequence length. padding_length = self._max_seq_length - valid_length # use padding tokens for the rest input_ids.extend([self._vocab[self._padding_token]] * padding_length) segment_ids.extend([0] * padding_length) return np.array(input_ids, dtype='int32'), np.array(valid_length, dtype='int32'),\ np.array(segment_ids, dtype='int32')
def _truncate_seq_pair(self, tokens_a, tokens_b, max_length): """Truncates a sequence pair in place to the maximum length.""" # This is a simple heuristic which will always truncate the longer sequence # one token at a time. This makes more sense than truncating an equal percent # of tokens from each, since if one sequence is very short then each token # that's truncated likely contains more information than a longer sequence. while True: total_length = len(tokens_a) + len(tokens_b) if total_length <= max_length: break if len(tokens_a) > len(tokens_b): tokens_a.pop() else: tokens_b.pop()
class _GPT2BPE: """Base class for GPT-2 BPE tokenizer and detokenizer.""" def __init__(self): codes = list(range(ord('!'), ord('~') + 1)) +\ list(range(ord('¡'), ord('¬') + 1)) +\ list(range(ord('®'), ord('ÿ') + 1)) chr_fn = chr try: chr_fn(256) except ValueError: chr_fn = unichr # noqa: F821 byte_encoder = {code: chr_fn(code) for code in codes} shift = 0 for code in range(2 ** 8): if code not in byte_encoder: byte_encoder[code] = chr_fn(2 ** 8 + shift) shift += 1 self._byte_encoder = byte_encoder
[docs]class GPT2BPETokenizer(_GPT2BPE): """BPE tokenizer used in OpenAI GPT-2 model. Parameters ---------- root : str, default '$MXNET_HOME/models' Location for keeping the BPE rank file. MXNET_HOME defaults to '~/.mxnet'. """ bpe_ranks_file_hash = ('openai_webtext_bpe_ranks-396d4d8e.json', '396d4d8ec90cb02f4d56e049e0e4add868bcd943') bpe_ranks_archive_hash = ('', '1a770728fd102bc9dc332f322e6bfb294767a685') def __init__(self, root=os.path.join(get_home_dir(), 'models')): try: import regex # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel self._regex = regex except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'GPT2BPETokenizer requires regex. ' 'To install regex, use pip install -U regex') super(GPT2BPETokenizer, self).__init__() root = os.path.expanduser(root) file_name, sha1_hash = self.bpe_ranks_file_hash file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name) if not os.path.exists(file_path) or not check_sha1(file_path, sha1_hash): if os.path.exists(file_path): print('Detected mismatch in the content of BPE rank file. Downloading again.') else: print('BPE rank file is not found. Downloading.') os.makedirs(root, exist_ok=True) prefix = str(time.time()) zip_file_path = os.path.join(root, prefix + file_name) repo_url = _get_repo_url() if repo_url[-1] != '/': repo_url = repo_url + '/' archive_name, archive_hash = self.bpe_ranks_archive_hash _url_format = '{repo_url}gluon/dataset/vocab/{file_name}' download(_url_format.format(repo_url=repo_url, file_name=archive_name), path=zip_file_path, sha1_hash=archive_hash, overwrite=True) with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_path) as zf: if not os.path.exists(file_path): zf.extractall(root) try: os.remove(zip_file_path) except OSError as e: # file has already been removed. if e.errno == 2: pass else: raise e if not check_sha1(file_path, sha1_hash): raise ValueError('Downloaded file has different hash. Please try again.') self._read_bpe_ranks(file_path) self._cache = {} self._token_pattern = self._regex.compile( r'\'s|\'t|\'re|\'ve|\'m|\'ll|\'d| ?\p{L}+' r'| ?\p{N}+| ?[^\s\p{L}\p{N}]+|\s+(?!\S)|\s+') def _read_bpe_ranks(self, file_path): with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: bpe_data = self._bpe_ranks = { tuple(merge_str.split()): i for i, merge_str in enumerate(bpe_data.split('\n')[1:-1])}
[docs] def get_bpe_subword(self, token): """ Encode the word token into BPE subwords Parameters ---------- token : str Returns ------- chars : list(str) """ if token in self._cache: return self._cache[token] chars = list(token) while len(chars) > 0: min_pair, min_rank = None, float('inf') # Find the pair with the minimum rank for i in range(1, len(chars)): pair = (chars[i - 1], chars[i]) rank = self._bpe_ranks.get(pair, float('inf')) if rank < min_rank: min_rank = rank min_pair = pair if min_pair is None or min_pair not in self._bpe_ranks: break # Merge the pair last, tail = chars[0], 1 for index in range(1, len(chars)): if (last, chars[index]) == min_pair: chars[tail - 1] = last + chars[index] last = last + chars[index] else: chars[tail - 1] = last tail += 1 last = chars[index] chars[tail - 1] = last chars = chars[:tail] self._cache[token] = chars return chars
[docs] def __call__(self, sample): """ Parameters ---------- sample : str Returns ------- ret : list(str) """ ret = [] for word_token in self._regex.findall(self._token_pattern, sample): word_token = bytearray(word_token.encode('utf-8')) word_token = ''.join(self._byte_encoder[code] for code in word_token) ret.extend(self.get_bpe_subword(word_token)) return ret
[docs]class GPT2BPEDetokenizer(_GPT2BPE): """BPE detokenizer used in OpenAI GPT-2 model.""" def __init__(self): super(GPT2BPEDetokenizer, self).__init__() self._byte_decoder = {v: k for k, v in self._byte_encoder.items()}
[docs] def __call__(self, sample): """ Parameters ---------- sample : list(str) Returns ------- ret : str """ text = ''.join(sample) ret = bytearray( [self._byte_decoder[byte] for byte in text]).decode('utf-8', errors='replace') return ret