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# pylint: disable=
"""SQuAD dataset."""

__all__ = ['SQuAD']

import json
import os
import shutil
import zipfile
import tempfile
import uuid

from import ArrayDataset
from mxnet.gluon.utils import download, check_sha1, _get_repo_file_url, replace_file
from .registry import register
from ..base import get_home_dir

[docs]@register(segment=['train', 'dev']) class SQuAD(ArrayDataset): """Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) - reading comprehension dataset. From License: CreativeCommons BY-SA 4.0 The original data format is json, which has multiple contexts (a context is a paragraph of text from which questions are drawn). For each context there are multiple questions, and for each of these questions there are multiple (usually 3) answers. This class loads the json and flattens it to a table view. Each record is a single question. Since there are more than one question per context in the original dataset, some records shares the same context. Number of records in the dataset is equal to number of questions in json file. The format of each record of the dataset is following: - record_index: An index of the record, generated on the fly (0 ... to # of last question) - question_id: Question Id. It is a string and taken from the original json file as-is - question: Question text, taken from the original json file as-is - context: Context text. Will be the same for questions from the same context - answer_list: All answers for this question. Stored as python list - start_indices: All answers' starting indices. Stored as python list. The position in this list is the same as the position of an answer in answer_list - is_impossible: The question is unanswerable, if version is '2.0'. In SQuAd2.0, there are some unanswerable questions. Parameters ---------- segment : str, default 'train' Dataset segment. Options are 'train' and 'dev'. version : str, default '1.1' Dataset version. Options are '1.1' and '2.0'. root : str, default '~/.mxnet/datasets/squad' Path to temp folder for storing data. Examples -------- >>> squad ='dev', '1.1', root='./datasets/squad') -etc- >>> len(squad) 10570 >>> len(squad[0]) 6 >>> tuple(type(squad[0][i]) for i in range(6)) (<class 'int'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'list'>, <class 'list'>) >>> squad[0][0] 0 >>> squad[0][1] '56be4db0acb8001400a502ec' >>> squad[0][2] 'Which NFL team represented the AFC at Super Bowl 50?' >>> squad[0][3][:70] 'Super Bowl 50 was an American football game to determine the champion ' >>> squad[0][4] ['Denver Broncos', 'Denver Broncos', 'Denver Broncos'] >>> squad[0][5] [177, 177, 177] >>> squad2 ='dev', '2.0', root='./datasets/squad') -etc- >>> len(squad2) 11873 >>> len(squad2[0]) 7 >>> type(squad2[0][6]) <class 'bool'> >>> squad2[0][6] False """ def __init__(self, segment='train', version='1.1', root=os.path.join(get_home_dir(), 'datasets', 'squad')): self._data_file = {'1.1': {'train': (('', '052a75bf8fdb3e843b8649971658eae8133f9b0e'), ('train-v1.1.json', '1faea1252438a64f9718412a55036b786cfcc636')), 'dev': (('', 'e31ad736582b72a8eabd5c0b0a38cb779ed913d7'), ('dev-v1.1.json', 'e1621aae0683b346ee9743bd5609266ba0cc34fc'))}, '2.0': {'train': (('', 'fe497797fc090ee61a046b74eadfee51320b54fb'), ('train-v2.0.json', 'ceb2acdea93b9d82ab1829c7b1e03bee9e302c99')), 'dev': (('', 'de4dad80b3de9194484ca013e95a96a3e2d5603f'), ('dev-v2.0.json', '846082d15ed71cb5220645b9d473441e00070778'))}} root = os.path.expanduser(root) os.makedirs(root, exist_ok=True) self._root = root self._segment = segment self._version = version self._get_data() super(SQuAD, self).__init__(SQuAD._get_records(self._read_data())) def _get_data(self): """Load data from the file. Does nothing if data was loaded before. """ (data_archive_name, archive_hash), (data_name, data_hash) \ = self._data_file[self._version][self._segment] data_path = os.path.join(self._root, data_name) if not os.path.exists(data_path) or not check_sha1(data_path, data_hash): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=self._root) as temp_dir: file_path = download(_get_repo_file_url('gluon/dataset/squad', data_archive_name), path=temp_dir, sha1_hash=archive_hash) with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, 'r') as zf: for member in zf.namelist(): filename = os.path.basename(member) if filename: dest = os.path.join(self._root, filename) temp_dst = dest + str(uuid.uuid4()) with as source: with open(temp_dst, 'wb') as target: shutil.copyfileobj(source, target) replace_file(temp_dst, dest) def _read_data(self): """Read data.json from disk and flats it to the following format: Entry = (record_index, question_id, question, context, answer_list, answer_start_indices). Question id and list_of_answers also substituted with indices, so it could be later converted into nd.array Returns ------- List[Tuple] Flatten list of questions """ (_, _), (data_file_name, _) \ = self._data_file[self._version][self._segment] with open(os.path.join(self._root, data_file_name)) as f: json_data = json.load(f) return json_data @staticmethod def _get_records(json_dict): """Provides a list of tuples with records where answers are flatten :param dict, json_dict: File content loaded into json dictionary Returns ------- List[Tuple] Flatten list of records in format: record_index, question_id, question, context, answer, answer_start_index, is_impossible(if version is '2.0) """ records = [] record_index = 0 for title in json_dict['data']: for paragraph in title['paragraphs']: for qas in paragraph['qas']: answers = SQuAD._get_answers(qas) is_impossible = qas.get('is_impossible', None) if is_impossible is not None: record = ( record_index, qas['id'], qas['question'], paragraph['context'], answers[0], answers[1], is_impossible ) else: record = ( record_index, qas['id'], qas['question'], paragraph['context'], answers[0], answers[1]) record_index += 1 records.append(record) return records @staticmethod def _get_answers(qas_dict): answer_list = [] answer_start_list = [] for answer in qas_dict['answers']: answer_list.append(answer['text']) answer_start_list.append(answer['answer_start']) return answer_list, answer_start_list