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# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
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# pylint: disable=
"""CoNLL format corpora."""

__all__ = ['CoNLL2000', 'CoNLL2001', 'CoNLL2002', 'CoNLL2004', 'UniversalDependencies21']

import codecs
import glob
import gzip
import io
import os
import shutil
import tarfile

from import SimpleDataset
from mxnet.gluon.utils import download, check_sha1, _get_repo_file_url

from .. import _constants as C
from .registry import register
from ..base import get_home_dir

class _CoNLLSequenceTagging(SimpleDataset):
    def __init__(self, segment, root, has_comment=False):
        root = os.path.expanduser(root)
        os.makedirs(root, exist_ok=True)
        self._segment = segment
        self._root = root
        self._has_comment = has_comment
        super(_CoNLLSequenceTagging, self).__init__(self._read_data())

    def _get_data_file_hash(self):
        assert self._segment in self._data_file, \
                'Segment "{}" is not available. Options are: {}.'.format(self._segment,
        return [self._data_file[self._segment]]

    def _get_data_archive_hash(self):
        return self._get_data_file_hash()[0]

    def _extract_archive(self):

    def _get_data(self):
        archive_file_name, archive_hash = self._get_data_archive_hash()
        paths = []
        for data_file_name, data_hash in self._get_data_file_hash():
            root = self._root
            path = os.path.join(root, data_file_name)
            if hasattr(self, 'namespace'):
                url = _get_repo_file_url(self.namespace, archive_file_name)
                url = self.base_url + archive_file_name
            if not os.path.exists(path) or not check_sha1(path, data_hash):
                download(url, path=root, sha1_hash=archive_hash)
        return paths

    def _read_data(self):
        paths = self._get_data()
        results = []
        for path in paths:
            with, 'r') if path.endswith('gz') else, 'rb') as f:
                line_iter = codecs.getreader(self.codec)\
                    (io.BufferedReader(f))  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
        return list([x for field in item for x in field] for item in zip(*results))

    def _process_iter(self, line_iter):
        samples = []
        buf = []
        for line in line_iter:
            if not buf and line.startswith('#') and self._has_comment:
            line = line.split()
            if line:
            elif buf:
                samples.append(tuple(map(list, zip(*buf))))
                buf = []
        if buf:
            samples.append(tuple(map(list, zip(*buf))))
        return samples

[docs]@register(segment=['train', 'test']) class CoNLL2000(_CoNLLSequenceTagging): """CoNLL2000 Part-of-speech (POS) tagging and chunking joint task dataset. Each sample has three fields: word, POS tag, chunk label. From Parameters ---------- segment : {'train', 'test'}, default 'train' Dataset segment. root : str, default '$MXNET_HOME/datasets/conll2000' Path to temp folder for storing data. MXNET_HOME defaults to '~/.mxnet'. Examples -------- >>> conll ='test', root='./datasets/conll2000') -etc- >>> len(conll) 2012 >>> len(conll[0]) 3 >>> conll[8][0] ['SHEARSON', 'LEHMAN', 'HUTTON', 'Inc', '.'] >>> conll[8][1] ['NNP', 'NNP', 'NNP', 'NNP', '.'] >>> conll[8][2] ['B-NP', 'I-NP', 'I-NP', 'I-NP', 'O'] """ def __init__(self, segment='train', root=os.path.join(get_home_dir(), 'datasets', 'conll2000')): self._data_file = {'train': ('train.txt.gz', '9f31cf936554cebf558d07cce923dca0b7f31864'), 'test': ('test.txt.gz', 'dc57527f1f60eeafad03da51235185141152f849')} super(CoNLL2000, self).__init__(segment, root) base_url = '' codec = 'utf-8'
[docs]@register(segment=['train', 'testa', 'testb'], part=[1, 2, 3]) class CoNLL2001(_CoNLLSequenceTagging): """CoNLL2001 Clause Identification dataset. Each sample has four fields: word, POS tag, chunk label, clause tag. From Parameters ---------- part : int, {1, 2, 3} Part number of the dataset. segment : {'train', 'testa', 'testb'}, default 'train' Dataset segment. root : str, default '$MXNET_HOME/datasets/conll2001' Path to temp folder for storing data. MXNET_HOME defaults to '~/.mxnet'. Examples -------- >>> conll =, 'testa', root='./datasets/conll2001') -etc- >>> len(conll) 2012 >>> len(conll[0]) 4 >>> conll[8][0] ['SHEARSON', 'LEHMAN', 'HUTTON', 'Inc', '.'] >>> conll[8][1] ['NNP', 'NNP', 'NNP', 'NNP', '.'] >>> conll[8][2] ['B-NP', 'I-NP', 'I-NP', 'I-NP', 'O'] >>> conll[8][3] ['X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X'] """ def __init__(self, part, segment='train', root=os.path.join(get_home_dir(), 'datasets', 'conll2001')): self._part = part self._data_file = [ {'train': ('train1', '115400d32437a86af85fbd549c1297775aec5996'), 'testa': ('testa1', '0fad761a9c3e0fece80550add3420554619bce66'), 'testb': ('testb1', 'f1075e69b57a9c8e5e5de8496610469dcaaca511')}, {'train': ('train2', 'd48cf110875e5999e20e72bc446c9dd19fdde618'), 'testa': ('testa2', '27262d3a45e6b08631d8c2c8d8c33cf7fd63db2c'), 'testb': ('testb2', 'd8d0b5819ca5e275c25cec0287ffff8811e65321')}, {'train': ('train3', 'c064ba4cb54f81a3d1e15d48cc990dee55a326bc'), 'testa': ('testa3', 'c0c11cceb17bba8e0aaad0368d8b0b869c4959f7'), 'testb': ('testb3', 'a37f3ca89eb4db08fc576f50161f6c2945302541')} ] super(CoNLL2001, self).__init__(segment, root) base_url = '' codec = 'utf-8' def _get_data_file_hash(self): assert self._part in [1, 2, 3], \ 'Part "{}" is not availble. Options are 1, 2, 3.'.format(self._part) available_segments = self._data_file[self._part-1].keys() assert self._segment in available_segments, \ 'Segment "{}" is not available. Options are: {}.'.format(self._segment, available_segments) return [self._data_file[self._part-1][self._segment]]
[docs]@register(segment=['train', 'testa', 'testb'], lang=['esp', 'ned']) class CoNLL2002(_CoNLLSequenceTagging): """CoNLL2002 Named Entity Recognition (NER) task dataset. For 'esp', each sample has two fields: word, NER label. For 'ned', each sample has three fields: word, POS tag, NER label. From Parameters ---------- lang : str, {'esp', 'ned'} Dataset language. segment : {'train', 'testa', 'testb'}, default 'train' Dataset segment. root : str, default '$MXNET_HOME/datasets/conll2002' Path to temp folder for storing data. MXNET_HOME defaults to '~/.mxnet'. Examples -------- >>> conll ='esp', 'testa', root='./datasets/conll2002') -etc- >>> len(conll) 1915 >>> len(conll[0]) 2 >>> conll[0][0] ['Sao', 'Paulo', '(', 'Brasil', ')', ',', '23', 'may', '(', 'EFECOM', ')', '.'] >>> conll[0][1] ['B-LOC', 'I-LOC', 'O', 'B-LOC', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'B-ORG', 'O', 'O'] """ def __init__(self, lang, segment='train', root=os.path.join(get_home_dir(), 'datasets', 'conll2002')): self._lang = lang self._data_file = { 'esp': {'train': ('esp.train.gz', '2f25c8c1a724009f440af8bb3c03710f089dfe11'), 'testa': ('esp.testa.gz', '1afd035a29419b1a9531308cae6157c624260693'), 'testb': ('esp.testb.gz', 'c6a16bcb0399bf212fec80d6049eaeffcdb58c1d')}, 'ned': {'train': ('ned.train.gz', '4282015737b588efa13e6616222d238247a85c67'), 'testa': ('ned.testa.gz', '7584cbf55692d3b0c133de6d7411ad04ae0e710a'), 'testb': ('ned.testb.gz', '4d07c576f99aae8a305855a9cbf40163c0b8d84e')}} super(CoNLL2002, self).__init__(segment, root) base_url = '' codec = 'latin-1' def _get_data_file_hash(self): assert self._lang in self._data_file, \ 'Language "{}" is not available. Options are "{}".'.format(self._lang, self._data_file.keys()) available_segments = self._data_file[self._lang].keys() assert self._segment in available_segments, \ 'Segment "{}" is not available. Options are: {}.'.format(self._segment, available_segments) return [self._data_file[self._lang][self._segment]]
[docs]@register(segment=['train', 'dev', 'test']) class CoNLL2004(_CoNLLSequenceTagging): """CoNLL2004 Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) task dataset. Each sample has six or more fields: word, POS tag, chunk label, clause tag, NER label, target verbs, and sense labels (of variable number per sample). From Parameters ---------- segment : {'train', 'dev', 'test'}, default 'train' Dataset segment. root : str, default '$MXNET_HOME/datasets/conll2004' Path to temp folder for storing data. MXNET_HOME defaults to '~/.mxnet'. Examples -------- >>> conll ='dev', root='./datasets/conll2004') -etc- >>> len(conll) 2012 >>> len(conll[8]) 6 >>> conll[8][0] ['SHEARSON', 'LEHMAN', 'HUTTON', 'Inc', '.'] >>> conll[8][1] ['NNP', 'NNP', 'NNP', 'NNP', '.'] >>> conll[8][2] ['B-NP', 'I-NP', 'I-NP', 'I-NP', 'O'] >>> conll[8][3] ['*', '*', '*', '*', '*'] >>> conll[8][4] ['B-ORG', 'I-ORG', 'I-ORG', 'I-ORG', 'O'] >>> conll[8][5] ['-', '-', '-', '-', '-'] """ def __init__(self, segment='train', root=os.path.join(get_home_dir(), 'datasets', 'conll2004')): self._archive_file = ('conll04st-release.tar.gz', '09ef957d908d34fa0abd745cbe43e279414f076c') self._data_file = { 'word': {'train': ('words.train.gz', '89ac63dcdcffc71601a224be6ada7f2e67c8e61f'), 'dev': ('', 'c3e59d75ae6bbeb76ee78e52a7a7c6b52abc5b6f'), 'test': ('words.test.gz', '61c7653732d83b51593ed29ae7ff45cd8277c8b5')}, 'synt': {'train': ('synt.train.pred.gz', '43ed796f953dcf00db52ec593ed3377aa440d838'), 'dev': ('', 'c098ca8a265fb67529c90eee5a93f6781ad87747'), 'test': ('synt.test.pred.gz', '272c2856171f3e28e3512906ee07019bac90a6b2')}, 'ne': {'train': ('ne.train.pred.gz', 'd10e8b11b6b856efac978697af75cf582cac6e86'), 'dev': ('', '7883f76f28675d2a7247be527967b846494bbe2c'), 'test': ('ne.test.pred.gz', 'f1a52a58bb96e07e0288479a4a633476d8211963')}, 'props': {'train': ('props.train.gz', 'c67bb4546e9110ce39ce063624c7a0adf65ea795'), 'dev': ('', '7e232a4113d1a7e68b719a2781f09399ebf39956'), 'test': ('props.test.gz', '639d54e24cebd7476b05c0efc0cbb019ebe52d8e')}} super(CoNLL2004, self).__init__(segment, root) base_url = '' namespace = 'gluon/dataset/conll' codec = 'utf-8' def _get_data_file_hash(self): available_segments = self._data_file['ne'].keys() assert self._segment in self._data_file['ne'], \ 'Segment "{}" is not available. Options are: {}'.format(self._segment, available_segments) return [self._data_file[part][self._segment] for part in ['word', 'synt', 'ne', 'props']] def _get_data_archive_hash(self): return self._archive_file def _extract_archive(self): archive_file_name, _ = self._get_data_archive_hash() root = self._root path = os.path.join(root, archive_file_name) with, 'r:gz') as tar: tar.extractall(path=root) for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(root, 'conll04st-release', '*.gz')): shutil.copy(fn, root) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, 'conll04st-release'), ignore_errors=True)
[docs]@register(segment=['train', 'dev', 'test'], lang=list(C.UD21_DATA_FILE_SHA1.keys())) class UniversalDependencies21(_CoNLLSequenceTagging): """Universal dependencies tree banks. Each sample has 8 or more fields as described in From Parameters ---------- lang : str, default 'en' Dataset language. segment : str, default 'train' Dataset segment. root : str, default '$MXNET_HOME/datasets/ud2.1' Path to temp folder for storing data. MXNET_HOME defaults to '~/.mxnet'. Examples -------- >>> ud ='en', 'dev', root='./datasets/ud21') -etc- >>> len(ud) 2002 >>> len(ud[0]) 10 >>> ud[0][0] ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'] >>> ud[0][1] ['From', 'the', 'AP', 'comes', 'this', 'story', ':'] >>> ud[0][2] ['from', 'the', 'AP', 'come', 'this', 'story', ':'] >>> ud[0][3] ['ADP', 'DET', 'PROPN', 'VERB', 'DET', 'NOUN', 'PUNCT'] >>> ud[0][4] ['IN', 'DT', 'NNP', 'VBZ', 'DT', 'NN', ':'] >>> ud[0][5][:3] ['_', 'Definite=Def|PronType=Art', 'Number=Sing'] >>> ud[0][6] ['3', '3', '4', '0', '6', '4', '4'] >>> ud[0][7] ['case', 'det', 'obl', 'root', 'det', 'nsubj', 'punct'] >>> ud[0][8] ['3:case', '3:det', '4:obl', '0:root', '6:det', '4:nsubj', '4:punct'] >>> ud[0][9] ['_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_'] """ def __init__(self, lang='en', segment='train', root=os.path.join(get_home_dir(), 'datasets', 'ud2.1')): self._archive_file = ('ud-treebanks-v2.1.tgz', '77657b897951e21d2eca6b29958e663964eb57ae') self._lang = lang self._data_file = C.UD21_DATA_FILE_SHA1 super(UniversalDependencies21, self).__init__(segment, root, True) base_url = '' codec = 'utf-8' def _get_data_file_hash(self): assert self._lang in self._data_file, \ 'Language "{}" is not available. Options are {}.'.format( self._lang, list(self._data_file.keys())) available_segments = self._data_file[self._lang].keys() assert self._segment in available_segments, \ 'Segment "{}" is not available for language "{}". ' \ 'Options are: {}.'.format(self._segment, self._lang, list(available_segments)) return [self._data_file[self._lang][self._segment]] def _get_data_archive_hash(self): return self._archive_file def _extract_archive(self): archive_file_name, _ = self._get_data_archive_hash() root = self._root path = os.path.join(root, archive_file_name) with, 'r:gz') as tar: tar.extractall(path=root) for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(root, 'ud-treebanks-v2.1', '*', '*.conllu')): shutil.copy(fn, root) for data_license in glob.glob(os.path.join(root, 'ud-treebanks-v2.1', '*', 'LICENSE.txt')): lang = os.path.dirname(data_license).split(os.path.sep)[-1] shutil.copy(data_license, os.path.join(root, '{}_LICENSE.txt'.format(lang))) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, 'ud-treebanks-v2.1'), ignore_errors=True)