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# pylint: disable=undefined-all-variable
"""Data transforms useful for language models."""

__all__ = ['CorpusBatchify', 'CorpusBPTTBatchify', 'StreamBPTTBatchify']

import itertools
import math

import numpy as np
import mxnet as mx
from import RandomSampler, SequentialSampler, SimpleDataset

from ..utils import slice_sequence, _slice_pad_length
from import DataStream

[docs]class CorpusBatchify: """Transform the dataset into N independent sequences, where N is the batch size. Parameters ---------- vocab : gluonnlp.Vocab The vocabulary to use for numericalizing the dataset. Each token will be mapped to the index according to the vocabulary. batch_size : int The number of samples in each batch. """ def __init__(self, vocab, batch_size): self._vocab = vocab self._batch_size = batch_size
[docs] def __call__(self, data): """Batchify a dataset. Parameters ---------- data : A flat dataset to be batchified. Returns ------- NDArray of shape (len(data) // N, N) where N is the batch_size wrapped by a Excessive tokens that don't align along the batches are discarded. """ sample_len = len(data) // self._batch_size return SimpleDataset( mx.nd.array( self._vocab[data[:sample_len * self._batch_size]]).reshape( self._batch_size, -1).T)
[docs]class CorpusBPTTBatchify: """Transform the dataset into batches of numericalized samples, in the way that the recurrent states from last batch connects with the current batch for each sample. Each sample is of shape `(seq_len, batch_size)`. When `last_batch='keep'`, the first dimension of last sample may be shorter than `seq_len`. Parameters ---------- vocab : gluonnlp.Vocab The vocabulary to use for numericalizing the dataset. Each token will be mapped to the index according to the vocabulary. seq_len : int The length of each of the samples for truncated back-propagation-through-time (TBPTT). batch_size : int The number of samples in each batch. last_batch : {'keep', 'discard'} How to handle the last batch if the remaining length is less than `seq_len`. - keep: A batch with less samples than previous batches is returned. vocab.padding_token is used to pad the last batch based on batch size. - discard: The last batch is discarded if it's smaller than `(seq_len, batch_size)`. """ def __init__(self, vocab, seq_len, batch_size, last_batch='keep'): self._vocab = vocab self._seq_len = seq_len self._batch_size = batch_size self._last_batch = last_batch if last_batch not in ['keep', 'discard']: raise ValueError( 'Got invalid last_batch: "{}". Must be "keep" or "discard".'. format(last_batch)) if self._last_batch == 'keep': if not self._vocab.padding_token: raise ValueError('vocab.padding_token must be specified ' 'in vocab when last_batch="keep".')
[docs] def __call__(self, corpus): """Batchify a dataset. Parameters ---------- corpus : A flat dataset to be batchified. Returns ------- Batches of numericalized samples such that the recurrent states from last batch connects with the current batch for each sample. Each element of the Dataset is a tuple of size 2, specifying the data and label for BPTT respectively. Both items are of the same shape (seq_len, batch_size). """ if self._last_batch == 'keep': coded = self._vocab[list(corpus)] sample_len = math.ceil(float(len(coded)) / self._batch_size) padding_size = _slice_pad_length(sample_len, self._seq_len + 1, 1) * \ self._batch_size + sample_len * self._batch_size - len(coded) coded.extend([self._vocab[self._vocab.padding_token]] * int(padding_size)) assert len(coded) % self._batch_size == 0 assert not _slice_pad_length(len(coded) / self._batch_size, self._seq_len + 1, 1) else: sample_len = len(corpus) // self._batch_size coded = self._vocab[corpus[:sample_len * self._batch_size]] data = mx.nd.array(coded).reshape((self._batch_size, -1)).T batches = slice_sequence(data, self._seq_len + 1, overlap=1) return SimpleDataset(batches).transform(_split_data_label, lazy=False)
def _split_data_label(x): return x[:-1, :], x[1:, :]
[docs]class StreamBPTTBatchify: """Transform a Stream of CorpusDataset to BPTT batches. The corpus is transformed into batches of numericalized samples, in the way that the recurrent states from last batch connects with the current batch for each sample. Each sample is of shape `(seq_len, batch_size)`. For example, the following 4 sequences:: a b c d <eos> e f g h i j <eos> k l m n <eos> o <eos> will generate 2 batches with seq_len = 5, batch_size = 2 as follow (transposed): a b c d <eos> e f g h i b c d <eos> k f g h i j k l m n <eos> j <eos> o <eos> <padding> l m n <eos> <padding> <eos> o <eos> <padding> <padding> Parameters ---------- vocab : gluonnlp.Vocab The vocabulary to use for numericalizing the dataset. Each token will be mapped to the index according to the vocabulary. seq_len : int The length of each of the samples for truncated back-propagation-through-time (TBPTT). batch_size : int The number of samples in each batch. sampler : str, {'sequential', 'random'}, defaults to 'random' The sampler used to sample texts within a file. - 'sequential': SequentialSampler - 'random': RandomSampler last_batch : {'keep', 'discard'} How to handle the last batch if the remaining length is less than `seq_len`. - keep: A batch with less samples than previous batches is returned. - discard: The last batch is discarded if it's smaller than `(seq_len, batch_size)`. """ def __init__(self, vocab, seq_len, batch_size, sampler='random', last_batch='keep'): self._vocab = vocab self._seq_len = seq_len self._batch_size = batch_size self._sampler = sampler self._last_batch = last_batch if not self._vocab.padding_token: raise ValueError('Padding token must be specified in vocab for StreamBPTTBatchify.') if last_batch not in ['keep', 'discard']: raise ValueError( 'Got invalid last_batch: "{}". Must be "keep" or "discard".'. format(last_batch)) def _get_sampler(self, sampler): assert isinstance( sampler, str), 'Expected sampler to be a str, but got %s' % type(sampler) if sampler == 'random': return RandomSampler if sampler == 'sequential': return SequentialSampler raise ValueError( 'sampler must be either "random" or "sequential", but got %s' % (sampler))
[docs] def __call__(self, corpus): """Batchify a stream. Parameters ---------- corpus : A stream of un-flattened CorpusDataset. Returns ------- Batches of numericalized samples such that the recurrent states from last batch connects with the current batch for each sample. Each element of the Dataset is a tuple of data and label arrays for BPTT. They are of shape (seq_len, batch_size) respectively. """ return _StreamBPTTBatchify( corpus, self._vocab, self._seq_len, self._batch_size, self._get_sampler(self._sampler), self._last_batch)
class _StreamBPTTBatchify(DataStream): def __init__(self, corpus, vocab, seq_len, batch_size, sampler, last_batch): self._corpus = corpus self._vocab = vocab self._seq_len = seq_len self._batch_size = batch_size self._sampler = sampler self._last_batch = last_batch self._padding_idx = vocab[vocab.padding_token] def __iter__(self): def _init(data, target, value): """Init the data and target with values.""" data[:] = value target[:] = value def _read(buffers, i, vocab, corpus): """Read a sentence from the corpus into i-th buffer.""" if len(buffers[i]) <= 1: buffers[i].extend(vocab[next(corpus)]) def _write(data, target, buffers, seq_len, i, length): """Write a sentence from i-th buffer to data and target.""" num_tokens = len(buffers[i]) - 1 num_tokens = min(num_tokens, seq_len - length) # fill in data and target data[i, length:length+num_tokens] = buffers[i][:num_tokens] target[i, length:length+num_tokens] = buffers[i][1:num_tokens+1] # trim sentence in the buffer if too long. Used for the next batch buffers[i] = buffers[i][num_tokens:] return num_tokens # stream states buffers = [[] for _ in range(self._batch_size)] has_next = True has_token_buffered = False data = np.empty([self._batch_size, self._seq_len], dtype=np.float32) target = np.empty([self._batch_size, self._seq_len], dtype=np.float32) corpus = itertools.chain.from_iterable( (corpus_dataset[idx] for idx in self._sampler(len(corpus_dataset))) for corpus_dataset in self._corpus) while has_next or has_token_buffered: _init(data, target, self._padding_idx) has_token_buffered = False for i in range(self._batch_size): length = 0 try: while length < self._seq_len: _read(buffers, i, self._vocab, corpus) num_tokens = _write(data, target, buffers, self._seq_len, i, length) if len(buffers[i]) > 0: has_token_buffered = True length += num_tokens except StopIteration: has_next = False if has_token_buffered or self._last_batch == 'keep': yield mx.nd.array(data).T, mx.nd.array(target).T