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"""Batchify helpers for embedding training."""

__all__ = ['EmbeddingCenterContextBatchify']

import itertools
import logging
import random

import numpy as np

from ...base import numba_njit, numba_prange
from import DataStream

[docs]class EmbeddingCenterContextBatchify: """Helper to create batches of center and contexts words. Batches are created lazily on a optionally shuffled version of the Dataset. To create batches from some corpus, first create a EmbeddingCenterContextBatchify object and then call it with the corpus. Please see the documentation of __call__ for more details. Parameters ---------- batch_size : int Maximum size of batches returned. Actual batch returned can be smaller when running out of samples. window_size : int, default 5 The maximum number of context elements to consider left and right of each center element. Less elements may be considered if there are not sufficient elements left / right of the center element or if a reduced window size was drawn. reduce_window_size_randomly : bool, default True If True, randomly draw a reduced window size for every center element uniformly from [1, window]. shuffle : bool, default True If True, shuffle the sentences before lazily generating batches. cbow : bool, default False Enable CBOW mode. In CBOW mode the returned context contains multiple entries per row. One for each context. If CBOW is False (default), there is a separate row for each context. The context_data array always contains weights for the context words equal to 1 over the number of context words in the given row of the context array. weight_dtype : numpy.dtype, default numpy.float32 Data type for data array of sparse COO context representation. index_dtype : numpy.dtype, default numpy.int64 """ def __init__(self, batch_size, window_size=5, reduce_window_size_randomly=True, shuffle=True, cbow=False, weight_dtype='float32', index_dtype='int64'): self._batch_size = batch_size self._window_size = window_size self._reduce_window_size_randomly = reduce_window_size_randomly self._shuffle = shuffle self._cbow = cbow self._weight_dtype = weight_dtype self._index_dtype = index_dtype
[docs] def __call__(self, corpus): """Batchify a dataset. Parameters ---------- corpus : list of sentences List of sentences. Any list containing for example integers or strings can be a sentence. Context samples do not cross sentence boundaries. Returns ------- DataStream Each element of the DataStream is a tuple of 2 elements (center, context). center is a numpy.ndarray of shape (batch_size, ). context is a tuple of 3 numpy.ndarray, representing a sparse COO array (data, row, col). The center and context arrays contain the center and corresponding context words respectively. A sparse representation is used for context as the number of context words for one center word varies based on the randomly chosen context window size and sentence boundaries. The returned center and col arrays are of the same dtype as the sentence elements. """ return _EmbeddingCenterContextBatchify( corpus, self._batch_size, self._window_size, self._reduce_window_size_randomly, self._shuffle, cbow=self._cbow, weight_dtype=self._weight_dtype, index_dtype=self._index_dtype)
class _EmbeddingCenterContextBatchify(DataStream): def __init__(self, sentences, batch_size, window_size, reduce_window_size_randomly, shuffle, cbow, weight_dtype, index_dtype): self._sentences = sentences self._batch_size = batch_size self._window_size = window_size self._reduce_window_size_randomly = reduce_window_size_randomly self._shuffle = shuffle self._cbow = cbow self._weight_dtype = weight_dtype self._index_dtype = index_dtype def __iter__(self): if numba_prange is range: logging.warning( 'EmbeddingCenterContextBatchify supports just in time compilation ' 'with numba, but numba is not installed. ' 'Consider "pip install numba" for significant speed-ups.') firstelement = next(itertools.chain.from_iterable(self._sentences)) if isinstance(firstelement, str): sentences = [np.asarray(s, dtype='O') for s in self._sentences] else: dtype = type(firstelement) sentences = [np.asarray(s, dtype=dtype) for s in self._sentences] if self._shuffle: random.shuffle(sentences) sentence_boundaries = np.cumsum([len(c) for c in sentences]) sentences = np.concatenate(sentences) it = iter( _context_generator( sentence_boundaries, self._window_size, self._batch_size, random_window_size=self._reduce_window_size_randomly, cbow=self._cbow, seed=random.getrandbits(32))) def _closure(): while True: try: (center, context_data, context_row, context_col) = next(it) context_data = np.asarray(context_data, dtype=self._weight_dtype) context_row = np.asarray(context_row, dtype=self._index_dtype) context_col = sentences[context_col] context_coo = (context_data, context_row, context_col) yield sentences[center], context_coo except StopIteration: return return _closure() @numba_njit def _get_sentence_start_end(sentence_boundaries, sentence_pointer): end = sentence_boundaries[sentence_pointer] if sentence_pointer == 0: start = 0 else: start = sentence_boundaries[sentence_pointer - 1] return start, end @numba_njit def _context_generator(sentence_boundaries, window, batch_size, random_window_size, cbow, seed): num_rows = batch_size word_pointer = 0 num_context_skip = 0 while True: center_batch = [] # Prepare arrays for COO sparse matrix format context_data = [] context_row = [] context_col = [] i = 0 while i < num_rows: if word_pointer >= sentence_boundaries[-1]: # There is no data left break contexts = _get_context(word_pointer, sentence_boundaries, window, random_window_size, seed) if contexts is None: word_pointer += 1 continue center = word_pointer for j, context in enumerate(contexts): if num_context_skip > j: # In SkipGram mode, there may be some leftover contexts # form the last batch continue if i >= num_rows: num_context_skip = j assert not cbow break num_context_skip = 0 context_row.append(i) context_col.append(context) if cbow: context_data.append(1.0 / len(contexts)) else: center_batch.append(center) context_data.append(1) i += 1 if cbow: center_batch.append(center) i += 1 if num_context_skip == 0: word_pointer += 1 else: assert i == num_rows break if len(center_batch) == num_rows: center_batch_np = np.array(center_batch, dtype=np.int64) context_data_np = np.array(context_data, dtype=np.float32) context_row_np = np.array(context_row, dtype=np.int64) context_col_np = np.array(context_col, dtype=np.int64) yield center_batch_np, context_data_np, context_row_np, context_col_np else: assert word_pointer >= sentence_boundaries[-1] break @numba_njit def _get_context(center_idx, sentence_boundaries, window_size, random_window_size, seed): """Compute the context with respect to a center word in a sentence. Takes an numpy array of sentences boundaries. """ random.seed(seed + center_idx) sentence_index = np.searchsorted(sentence_boundaries, center_idx) sentence_start, sentence_end = _get_sentence_start_end( sentence_boundaries, sentence_index) if random_window_size: window_size = random.randint(1, window_size) start_idx = max(sentence_start, center_idx - window_size) end_idx = min(sentence_end, center_idx + window_size + 1) if start_idx != center_idx and center_idx + 1 != end_idx: context = np.concatenate((np.arange(start_idx, center_idx), np.arange(center_idx + 1, end_idx))) elif start_idx != center_idx: context = np.arange(start_idx, center_idx) elif center_idx + 1 != end_idx: context = np.arange(center_idx + 1, end_idx) else: context = None return context