Source code for gluonnlp.model.transformer

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# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
"""Encoder and decoder usded in sequence-to-sequence learning."""

__all__ = ['TransformerEncoder', 'PositionwiseFFN', 'TransformerEncoderCell',

import math
import os

import numpy as np
import mxnet as mx
from mxnet import cpu, gluon
from mxnet.gluon import nn
from mxnet.gluon.block import HybridBlock
from mxnet.gluon.model_zoo import model_store

from ..base import get_home_dir
from ..utils.parallel import Parallelizable
from .block import GELU
from .seq2seq_encoder_decoder import (Seq2SeqDecoder, Seq2SeqEncoder,
from .translation import NMTModel
from .utils import _load_pretrained_params, _load_vocab
from .attention_cell import _get_attention_cell

def _position_encoding_init(max_length, dim):
    """Init the sinusoid position encoding table """
    position_enc = np.arange(max_length).reshape((-1, 1)) \
                   / (np.power(10000, (2. / dim) * np.arange(dim).reshape((1, -1))))
    # Apply the cosine to even columns and sin to odds.
    position_enc[:, 0::2] = np.sin(position_enc[:, 0::2])  # dim 2i
    position_enc[:, 1::2] = np.cos(position_enc[:, 1::2])  # dim 2i+1
    return position_enc

#                                ENCODER                                      #

[docs]class PositionwiseFFN(HybridBlock): """Positionwise Feed-Forward Neural Network. Parameters ---------- units : int Number of units for the output hidden_size : int Number of units in the hidden layer of position-wise feed-forward networks dropout : float Dropout probability for the output use_residual : bool Add residual connection between the input and the output ffn1_dropout : bool, default False If True, apply dropout both after the first and second Positionwise Feed-Forward Neural Network layers. If False, only apply dropout after the second. activation : str, default 'relu' Activation function layer_norm_eps : float, default 1e-5 Epsilon parameter passed to for mxnet.gluon.nn.LayerNorm weight_initializer : str or Initializer Initializer for the input weights matrix, used for the linear transformation of the inputs. bias_initializer : str or Initializer Initializer for the bias vector. prefix : str, default None Prefix for name of `Block`s (and name of weight if params is `None`). params : Parameter or None Container for weight sharing between cells. Created if `None`. """ def __init__(self, *, units=512, hidden_size=2048, dropout=0.0, use_residual=True, ffn1_dropout=False, activation='relu', layer_norm_eps=1e-5, weight_initializer=None, bias_initializer='zeros', prefix=None, params=None): super().__init__(prefix=prefix, params=params) self._use_residual = use_residual self._dropout = dropout self._ffn1_dropout = ffn1_dropout with self.name_scope(): self.ffn_1 = nn.Dense(units=hidden_size, flatten=False, weight_initializer=weight_initializer, bias_initializer=bias_initializer, prefix='ffn_1_') self.activation = self._get_activation(activation) if activation else None self.ffn_2 = nn.Dense(units=units, flatten=False, weight_initializer=weight_initializer, bias_initializer=bias_initializer, prefix='ffn_2_') if dropout: self.dropout_layer = nn.Dropout(rate=dropout) self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(in_channels=units, epsilon=layer_norm_eps) def _get_activation(self, act): """Get activation block based on the name. """ if isinstance(act, str): if act.lower() == 'gelu': return GELU() elif act.lower() == 'approx_gelu': return GELU(approximate=True) else: return gluon.nn.Activation(act) assert isinstance(act, gluon.Block) return act
[docs] def hybrid_forward(self, F, inputs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Position-wise encoding of the inputs. Parameters ---------- inputs : Symbol or NDArray Input sequence. Shape (batch_size, length, C_in) Returns ------- outputs : Symbol or NDArray Shape (batch_size, length, C_out) """ outputs = self.ffn_1(inputs) if self.activation: outputs = self.activation(outputs) if self._dropout and self._ffn1_dropout: outputs = self.dropout_layer(outputs) outputs = self.ffn_2(outputs) if self._dropout: outputs = self.dropout_layer(outputs) if self._use_residual: outputs = outputs + inputs outputs = self.layer_norm(outputs) return outputs
[docs]class TransformerEncoderCell(HybridBlock): """Structure of the Transformer Encoder Cell. Parameters ---------- attention_cell : AttentionCell or str, default 'multi_head' Arguments of the attention cell. Can be 'multi_head', 'scaled_luong', 'scaled_dot', 'dot', 'cosine', 'normed_mlp', 'mlp' units : int Number of units for the output hidden_size : int number of units in the hidden layer of position-wise feed-forward networks num_heads : int Number of heads in multi-head attention scaled : bool Whether to scale the softmax input by the sqrt of the input dimension in multi-head attention dropout : float use_residual : bool output_attention: bool Whether to output the attention weights attention_use_bias : bool, default False Whether to use bias when projecting the query/key/values in the attention cell. attention_proj_use_bias : bool, default False Whether to use bias when projecting the output of the attention cell. weight_initializer : str or Initializer Initializer for the input weights matrix, used for the linear transformation of the inputs. bias_initializer : str or Initializer Initializer for the bias vector. prefix : str, default None Prefix for name of `Block`s. (and name of weight if params is `None`). params : Parameter or None Container for weight sharing between cells. Created if `None`. activation : str, default None Activation methods in PositionwiseFFN layer_norm_eps : float, default 1e-5 Epsilon for layer_norm Inputs: - **inputs** : input sequence. Shape (batch_size, length, C_in) - **mask** : mask for inputs. Shape (batch_size, length, length) Outputs: - **outputs**: output tensor of the transformer encoder cell. Shape (batch_size, length, C_out) - **additional_outputs**: the additional output of all the transformer encoder cell. """ def __init__(self, *, attention_cell='multi_head', units=128, hidden_size=512, num_heads=4, scaled=True, dropout=0.0, use_residual=True, output_attention=False, attention_proj_use_bias=False, attention_use_bias=False, weight_initializer=None, bias_initializer='zeros', prefix=None, params=None, activation='relu', layer_norm_eps=1e-5): super().__init__(prefix=prefix, params=params) self._dropout = dropout self._use_residual = use_residual self._output_attention = output_attention with self.name_scope(): if dropout: self.dropout_layer = nn.Dropout(rate=dropout) self.attention_cell = _get_attention_cell(attention_cell, units=units, num_heads=num_heads, scaled=scaled, dropout=dropout, use_bias=attention_use_bias) self.proj = nn.Dense(units=units, flatten=False, use_bias=attention_proj_use_bias, weight_initializer=weight_initializer, bias_initializer=bias_initializer, prefix='proj_') self.ffn = PositionwiseFFN(units=units, hidden_size=hidden_size, dropout=dropout, use_residual=use_residual, weight_initializer=weight_initializer, bias_initializer=bias_initializer, activation=activation, layer_norm_eps=layer_norm_eps) self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(in_channels=units, epsilon=layer_norm_eps)
[docs] def hybrid_forward(self, F, inputs, mask=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Transformer Encoder Attention Cell. Parameters ---------- inputs : Symbol or NDArray Input sequence. Shape (batch_size, length, C_in) mask : Symbol or NDArray or None Mask for inputs. Shape (batch_size, length, length) Returns ------- encoder_cell_outputs: list Outputs of the encoder cell. Contains: - outputs of the transformer encoder cell. Shape (batch_size, length, C_out) - additional_outputs of all the transformer encoder cell """ outputs, attention_weights = self.attention_cell(inputs, inputs, inputs, mask) outputs = self.proj(outputs) if self._dropout: outputs = self.dropout_layer(outputs) if self._use_residual: outputs = outputs + inputs outputs = self.layer_norm(outputs) outputs = self.ffn(outputs) additional_outputs = [] if self._output_attention: additional_outputs.append(attention_weights) return outputs, additional_outputs
[docs]class TransformerEncoder(HybridBlock, Seq2SeqEncoder): """Structure of the Transformer Encoder. Parameters ---------- attention_cell : AttentionCell or str, default 'multi_head' Arguments of the attention cell. Can be 'multi_head', 'scaled_luong', 'scaled_dot', 'dot', 'cosine', 'normed_mlp', 'mlp' num_layers : int Number of attention layers. units : int Number of units for the output. hidden_size : int number of units in the hidden layer of position-wise feed-forward networks max_length : int Maximum length of the input sequence num_heads : int Number of heads in multi-head attention scaled : bool Whether to scale the softmax input by the sqrt of the input dimension in multi-head attention scale_embed : bool, default True Whether to scale the input embeddings by the sqrt of the `units`. norm_inputs : bool, default True Whether to normalize the input embeddings with LayerNorm. If dropout is enabled, normalization happens after dropout is applied to inputs. dropout : float Dropout probability of the attention probabilities. use_residual : bool Whether to use residual connection. output_attention: bool, default False Whether to output the attention weights output_all_encodings: bool, default False Whether to output encodings of all encoder's cells, or only the last one weight_initializer : str or Initializer Initializer for the input weights matrix, used for the linear transformation of the inputs. bias_initializer : str or Initializer Initializer for the bias vector. prefix : str, default None. Prefix for name of `Block`s. (and name of weight if params is `None`). params : Parameter or None Container for weight sharing between cells. Created if `None`. Inputs: - **inputs** : input sequence of shape (batch_size, length, C_in) - **states** : list of tensors for initial states and masks. - **valid_length** : valid lengths of each sequence. Usually used when part of sequence has been padded. Shape is (batch_size, ) Outputs: - **outputs** : the output of the encoder. Shape is (batch_size, length, C_out) - **additional_outputs** : list of tensors. Either be an empty list or contains the attention weights in this step. The attention weights will have shape (batch_size, length, mem_length) or (batch_size, num_heads, length, mem_length) """ def __init__(self, *, attention_cell='multi_head', num_layers=2, units=512, hidden_size=2048, max_length=50, num_heads=4, scaled=True, scale_embed=True, norm_inputs=True, dropout=0.0, use_residual=True, output_attention=False, output_all_encodings=False, weight_initializer=None, bias_initializer='zeros', prefix=None, params=None): super().__init__(prefix=prefix, params=params) assert units % num_heads == 0,\ 'In TransformerEncoder, The units should be divided exactly ' \ 'by the number of heads. Received units={}, num_heads={}' \ .format(units, num_heads) self._max_length = max_length self._units = units self._output_attention = output_attention self._output_all_encodings = output_all_encodings self._dropout = dropout self._scale_embed = scale_embed self._norm_inputs = norm_inputs with self.name_scope(): if dropout: self.dropout_layer = nn.Dropout(rate=dropout) if self._norm_inputs: self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(in_channels=units, epsilon=1e-5) self.position_weight = self.params.get_constant( 'const', _position_encoding_init(max_length, units)) self.transformer_cells = nn.HybridSequential() for i in range(num_layers): cell = TransformerEncoderCell( units=units, hidden_size=hidden_size, num_heads=num_heads, attention_cell=attention_cell, weight_initializer=weight_initializer, bias_initializer=bias_initializer, dropout=dropout, use_residual=use_residual, scaled=scaled, output_attention=output_attention, prefix='transformer%d_' % i) self.transformer_cells.add(cell) def __call__(self, inputs, states=None, valid_length=None): #pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Encode the inputs given the states and valid sequence length. Parameters ---------- inputs : NDArray or Symbol Input sequence. Shape (batch_size, length, C_in) states : list of NDArrays or Symbols Initial states. The list of initial states and masks valid_length : NDArray or Symbol Valid lengths of each sequence. This is usually used when part of sequence has been padded. Shape (batch_size,) Returns ------- encoder_outputs: list Outputs of the encoder. Contains: - outputs of the transformer encoder. Shape (batch_size, length, C_out) - additional_outputs of all the transformer encoder """ return super().__call__(inputs, states, valid_length)
[docs] def hybrid_forward(self, F, inputs, states=None, valid_length=None, position_weight=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Encode the inputs given the states and valid sequence length. Parameters ---------- inputs : NDArray or Symbol Input sequence. Shape (batch_size, length, C_in) states : list of NDArrays or Symbols Initial states. The list of initial states and masks valid_length : NDArray or Symbol Valid lengths of each sequence. This is usually used when part of sequence has been padded. Shape (batch_size,) position_weight : NDArray or Symbol The weight of positional encoding. Shape (max_len, C_in). Returns ------- outputs : NDArray or Symbol, or List[NDArray] or List[Symbol] If output_all_encodings flag is False, then the output of the last encoder. If output_all_encodings flag is True, then the list of all outputs of all encoders. In both cases, shape of the tensor(s) is/are (batch_size, length, C_out) additional_outputs : list Either be an empty list or contains the attention weights in this step. The attention weights will have shape (batch_size, length, length) or (batch_size, num_heads, length, length) """ steps = F.contrib.arange_like(inputs, axis=1) if valid_length is not None: ones = F.ones_like(steps) mask = F.broadcast_lesser(F.reshape(steps, shape=(1, -1)), F.reshape(valid_length, shape=(-1, 1))) mask = F.broadcast_mul(F.expand_dims(mask, axis=1), F.broadcast_mul(ones, F.reshape(ones, shape=(-1, 1)))) if states is None: states = [mask] else: states.append(mask) else: mask = None if states is None: states = [steps] else: states.append(steps) if self._scale_embed: inputs = inputs * math.sqrt(self._units) # Positional encoding positional_embed = F.Embedding(steps, position_weight, self._max_length, self._units) inputs = F.broadcast_add(inputs, F.expand_dims(positional_embed, axis=0)) if self._dropout: inputs = self.dropout_layer(inputs) if self._norm_inputs: inputs = self.layer_norm(inputs) all_encodings_outputs = [] additional_outputs = [] for cell in self.transformer_cells: outputs, attention_weights = cell(inputs, mask) inputs = outputs if self._output_all_encodings: if valid_length is not None: outputs = F.SequenceMask(outputs, sequence_length=valid_length, use_sequence_length=True, axis=1) all_encodings_outputs.append(outputs) if self._output_attention: additional_outputs.append(attention_weights) if valid_length is not None and not self._output_all_encodings: # if self._output_all_encodings, SequenceMask is already applied above outputs = F.SequenceMask(outputs, sequence_length=valid_length, use_sequence_length=True, axis=1) if self._output_all_encodings: return all_encodings_outputs, additional_outputs return outputs, additional_outputs
############################################################################### # DECODER # ############################################################################### class TransformerDecoderCell(HybridBlock): """Structure of the Transformer Decoder Cell. Parameters ---------- attention_cell : AttentionCell or str, default 'multi_head' Arguments of the attention cell. Can be 'multi_head', 'scaled_luong', 'scaled_dot', 'dot', 'cosine', 'normed_mlp', 'mlp' units : int Number of units for the output hidden_size : int number of units in the hidden layer of position-wise feed-forward networks num_heads : int Number of heads in multi-head attention scaled : bool Whether to scale the softmax input by the sqrt of the input dimension in multi-head attention dropout : float Dropout probability. use_residual : bool Whether to use residual connection. output_attention: bool Whether to output the attention weights weight_initializer : str or Initializer Initializer for the input weights matrix, used for the linear transformation of the inputs. bias_initializer : str or Initializer Initializer for the bias vector. prefix : str, default None Prefix for name of `Block`s (and name of weight if params is `None`). params : Parameter or None Container for weight sharing between cells. Created if `None`. """ def __init__(self, attention_cell='multi_head', units=128, hidden_size=512, num_heads=4, scaled=True, dropout=0.0, use_residual=True, output_attention=False, weight_initializer=None, bias_initializer='zeros', prefix=None, params=None): super(TransformerDecoderCell, self).__init__(prefix=prefix, params=params) self._units = units self._num_heads = num_heads self._dropout = dropout self._use_residual = use_residual self._output_attention = output_attention self._scaled = scaled with self.name_scope(): if dropout: self.dropout_layer = nn.Dropout(rate=dropout) self.attention_cell_in = _get_attention_cell(attention_cell, units=units, num_heads=num_heads, scaled=scaled, dropout=dropout) self.attention_cell_inter = _get_attention_cell(attention_cell, units=units, num_heads=num_heads, scaled=scaled, dropout=dropout) self.proj_in = nn.Dense(units=units, flatten=False, use_bias=False, weight_initializer=weight_initializer, bias_initializer=bias_initializer, prefix='proj_in_') self.proj_inter = nn.Dense(units=units, flatten=False, use_bias=False, weight_initializer=weight_initializer, bias_initializer=bias_initializer, prefix='proj_inter_') self.ffn = PositionwiseFFN(hidden_size=hidden_size, units=units, use_residual=use_residual, dropout=dropout, weight_initializer=weight_initializer, bias_initializer=bias_initializer) self.layer_norm_in = nn.LayerNorm() self.layer_norm_inter = nn.LayerNorm() def hybrid_forward(self, F, inputs, mem_value, mask=None, mem_mask=None): #pylint: disable=unused-argument # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Transformer Decoder Attention Cell. Parameters ---------- inputs : Symbol or NDArray Input sequence. Shape (batch_size, length, C_in) mem_value : Symbol or NDArrays Memory value, i.e. output of the encoder. Shape (batch_size, mem_length, C_in) mask : Symbol or NDArray or None Mask for inputs. Shape (batch_size, length, length) mem_mask : Symbol or NDArray or None Mask for mem_value. Shape (batch_size, length, mem_length) Returns ------- decoder_cell_outputs: list Outputs of the decoder cell. Contains: - outputs of the transformer decoder cell. Shape (batch_size, length, C_out) - additional_outputs of all the transformer decoder cell """ outputs, attention_in_outputs =\ self.attention_cell_in(inputs, inputs, inputs, mask) outputs = self.proj_in(outputs) if self._dropout: outputs = self.dropout_layer(outputs) if self._use_residual: outputs = outputs + inputs outputs = self.layer_norm_in(outputs) inputs = outputs outputs, attention_inter_outputs = \ self.attention_cell_inter(inputs, mem_value, mem_value, mem_mask) outputs = self.proj_inter(outputs) if self._dropout: outputs = self.dropout_layer(outputs) if self._use_residual: outputs = outputs + inputs outputs = self.layer_norm_inter(outputs) outputs = self.ffn(outputs) additional_outputs = [] if self._output_attention: additional_outputs.append(attention_in_outputs) additional_outputs.append(attention_inter_outputs) return outputs, additional_outputs class _BaseTransformerDecoder(HybridBlock): def __init__(self, attention_cell='multi_head', num_layers=2, units=128, hidden_size=2048, max_length=50, num_heads=4, scaled=True, scale_embed=True, norm_inputs=True, dropout=0.0, use_residual=True, output_attention=False, weight_initializer=None, bias_initializer='zeros', prefix=None, params=None): super().__init__(prefix=prefix, params=params) assert units % num_heads == 0, 'In TransformerDecoder, the units should be divided ' \ 'exactly by the number of heads. Received units={}, ' \ 'num_heads={}'.format(units, num_heads) self._num_layers = num_layers self._units = units self._hidden_size = hidden_size self._num_states = num_heads self._max_length = max_length self._dropout = dropout self._use_residual = use_residual self._output_attention = output_attention self._scaled = scaled self._scale_embed = scale_embed self._norm_inputs = norm_inputs with self.name_scope(): if dropout: self.dropout_layer = nn.Dropout(rate=dropout) if self._norm_inputs: self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm() encoding = _position_encoding_init(max_length, units) self.position_weight = self.params.get_constant('const', encoding.astype(np.float32)) self.transformer_cells = nn.HybridSequential() for i in range(num_layers): self.transformer_cells.add( TransformerDecoderCell(units=units, hidden_size=hidden_size, num_heads=num_heads, attention_cell=attention_cell, weight_initializer=weight_initializer, bias_initializer=bias_initializer, dropout=dropout, scaled=scaled, use_residual=use_residual, output_attention=output_attention, prefix='transformer%d_' % i)) def init_state_from_encoder(self, encoder_outputs, encoder_valid_length=None): """Initialize the state from the encoder outputs. Parameters ---------- encoder_outputs : list encoder_valid_length : NDArray or None Returns ------- decoder_states : list The decoder states, includes: - mem_value : NDArray - mem_masks : NDArray or None """ mem_value = encoder_outputs decoder_states = [mem_value] mem_length = mem_value.shape[1] if encoder_valid_length is not None: dtype = encoder_valid_length.dtype ctx = encoder_valid_length.context mem_masks = mx.nd.broadcast_lesser( mx.nd.arange(mem_length, ctx=ctx, dtype=dtype).reshape((1, -1)), encoder_valid_length.reshape((-1, 1))) decoder_states.append(mem_masks) else: decoder_states.append(None) return decoder_states def hybrid_forward(self, F, inputs, states, valid_length=None, position_weight=None): #pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Decode the decoder inputs. This function is only used for training. Parameters ---------- inputs : NDArray, Shape (batch_size, length, C_in) states : list of NDArrays or None Initial states. The list of decoder states valid_length : NDArray or None Valid lengths of each sequence. This is usually used when part of sequence has been padded. Shape (batch_size,) Returns ------- output : NDArray, Shape (batch_size, length, C_out) states : list The decoder states: - mem_value : NDArray - mem_masks : NDArray or None additional_outputs : list of list Either be an empty list or contains the attention weights in this step. The attention weights will have shape (batch_size, length, mem_length) or (batch_size, num_heads, length, mem_length) """ length_array = F.contrib.arange_like(inputs, axis=1) mask = F.broadcast_lesser_equal(length_array.reshape((1, -1)), length_array.reshape((-1, 1))) if valid_length is not None: batch_mask = F.broadcast_lesser(length_array.reshape((1, -1)), valid_length.reshape((-1, 1))) batch_mask = F.expand_dims(batch_mask, -1) mask = F.broadcast_mul(batch_mask, F.expand_dims(mask, 0)) else: mask = F.expand_dims(mask, axis=0) mask = F.broadcast_like(mask, inputs, lhs_axes=(0, ), rhs_axes=(0, )) mem_value, mem_mask = states if mem_mask is not None: mem_mask = F.expand_dims(mem_mask, axis=1) mem_mask = F.broadcast_like(mem_mask, inputs, lhs_axes=(1, ), rhs_axes=(1, )) if self._scale_embed: inputs = inputs * math.sqrt(self._units) # Positional Encoding steps = F.contrib.arange_like(inputs, axis=1) positional_embed = F.Embedding(steps, position_weight, self._max_length, self._units) inputs = F.broadcast_add(inputs, F.expand_dims(positional_embed, axis=0)) if self._dropout: inputs = self.dropout_layer(inputs) if self._norm_inputs: inputs = self.layer_norm(inputs) additional_outputs = [] attention_weights_l = [] outputs = inputs for cell in self.transformer_cells: outputs, attention_weights = cell(outputs, mem_value, mask, mem_mask) if self._output_attention: attention_weights_l.append(attention_weights) if self._output_attention: additional_outputs.extend(attention_weights_l) if valid_length is not None: outputs = F.SequenceMask(outputs, sequence_length=valid_length, use_sequence_length=True, axis=1) return outputs, states, additional_outputs class TransformerDecoder(_BaseTransformerDecoder, Seq2SeqDecoder): """Transformer Decoder. Multi-step ahead decoder for use during training with teacher forcing. Parameters ---------- attention_cell : AttentionCell or str, default 'multi_head' Arguments of the attention cell. Can be 'multi_head', 'scaled_luong', 'scaled_dot', 'dot', 'cosine', 'normed_mlp', 'mlp' num_layers : int Number of attention layers. units : int Number of units for the output. hidden_size : int number of units in the hidden layer of position-wise feed-forward networks max_length : int Maximum length of the input sequence. This is used for constructing position encoding num_heads : int Number of heads in multi-head attention scaled : bool Whether to scale the softmax input by the sqrt of the input dimension in multi-head attention scale_embed : bool, default True Whether to scale the input embeddings by the sqrt of the `units`. norm_inputs : bool, default True Whether to normalize the input embeddings with LayerNorm. If dropout is enabled, normalization happens after dropout is applied to inputs. dropout : float Dropout probability. use_residual : bool Whether to use residual connection. output_attention: bool Whether to output the attention weights weight_initializer : str or Initializer Initializer for the input weights matrix, used for the linear transformation of the inputs. bias_initializer : str or Initializer Initializer for the bias vector. prefix : str, default 'rnn_' Prefix for name of `Block`s (and name of weight if params is `None`). params : Parameter or None Container for weight sharing between cells. Created if `None`. """ class TransformerOneStepDecoder(_BaseTransformerDecoder, Seq2SeqOneStepDecoder): """Transformer Decoder. One-step ahead decoder for use during inference. Parameters ---------- attention_cell : AttentionCell or str, default 'multi_head' Arguments of the attention cell. Can be 'multi_head', 'scaled_luong', 'scaled_dot', 'dot', 'cosine', 'normed_mlp', 'mlp' num_layers : int Number of attention layers. units : int Number of units for the output. hidden_size : int number of units in the hidden layer of position-wise feed-forward networks max_length : int Maximum length of the input sequence. This is used for constructing position encoding num_heads : int Number of heads in multi-head attention scaled : bool Whether to scale the softmax input by the sqrt of the input dimension in multi-head attention scale_embed : bool, default True Whether to scale the input embeddings by the sqrt of the `units`. norm_inputs : bool, default True Whether to normalize the input embeddings with LayerNorm. If dropout is enabled, normalization happens after dropout is applied to inputs. dropout : float Dropout probability. use_residual : bool Whether to use residual connection. output_attention: bool Whether to output the attention weights weight_initializer : str or Initializer Initializer for the input weights matrix, used for the linear transformation of the inputs. bias_initializer : str or Initializer Initializer for the bias vector. prefix : str, default 'rnn_' Prefix for name of `Block`s (and name of weight if params is `None`). params : Parameter or None Container for weight sharing between cells. Created if `None`. """ def forward(self, step_input, states): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ # We implement forward, as the number of states changes between the # first and later calls of the one-step ahead Transformer decoder. This # is due to the lack of numpy shape semantics. Once we enable numpy # shape semantic in the GluonNLP code-base, the number of states should # stay constant, but the first state element will be an array of shape # (batch_size, 0, C_in) at the first call. if len(states) == 3: # step_input from prior call is included last_embeds, _, _ = states inputs = mx.nd.concat(last_embeds, mx.nd.expand_dims(step_input, axis=1), dim=1) states = states[1:] else: inputs = mx.nd.expand_dims(step_input, axis=1) return super().forward(inputs, states) def hybrid_forward(self, F, inputs, states, position_weight): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """One-step-ahead decoding of the Transformer decoder. Parameters ---------- step_input : NDArray, Shape (batch_size, C_in) states : list of NDArray Returns ------- step_output : NDArray The output of the decoder. Shape is (batch_size, C_out) new_states: list Includes - last_embeds : NDArray or None - mem_value : NDArray - mem_masks : NDArray, optional step_additional_outputs : list of list Either be an empty list or contains the attention weights in this step. The attention weights will have shape (batch_size, length, mem_length) or (batch_size, num_heads, length, mem_length) """ outputs, states, additional_outputs = super().hybrid_forward( F, inputs, states, valid_length=None, position_weight=position_weight) # Append inputs to states: They are needed in the next one-step ahead decoding step new_states = [inputs] + states # Only return one-step ahead step_output = F.slice_axis(outputs, axis=1, begin=-1, end=None).reshape((0, -1)) return step_output, new_states, additional_outputs ############################################################################### # MODEL API # ############################################################################### model_store._model_sha1.update( {name: checksum for checksum, name in [ ('e25287c5a924b7025e08d626f02626d5fa3af2d1', 'transformer_en_de_512_WMT2014'), ]}) def get_transformer_encoder_decoder(num_layers=2, num_heads=8, scaled=True, units=512, hidden_size=2048, dropout=0.0, use_residual=True, max_src_length=50, max_tgt_length=50, weight_initializer=None, bias_initializer='zeros', prefix='transformer_', params=None): """Build a pair of Parallel Transformer encoder/decoder Parameters ---------- num_layers : int num_heads : int scaled : bool units : int hidden_size : int dropout : float use_residual : bool max_src_length : int max_tgt_length : int weight_initializer : mx.init.Initializer or None bias_initializer : mx.init.Initializer or None prefix : str, default 'transformer_' Prefix for name of `Block`s. params : Parameter or None Container for weight sharing between layers. Created if `None`. Returns ------- encoder : TransformerEncoder decoder : TransformerDecoder one_step_ahead_decoder : TransformerOneStepDecoder """ encoder = TransformerEncoder( num_layers=num_layers, num_heads=num_heads, max_length=max_src_length, units=units, hidden_size=hidden_size, dropout=dropout, scaled=scaled, use_residual=use_residual, weight_initializer=weight_initializer, bias_initializer=bias_initializer, prefix=prefix + 'enc_', params=params) decoder = TransformerDecoder( num_layers=num_layers, num_heads=num_heads, max_length=max_tgt_length, units=units, hidden_size=hidden_size, dropout=dropout, scaled=scaled, use_residual=use_residual, weight_initializer=weight_initializer, bias_initializer=bias_initializer, prefix=prefix + 'dec_', params=params) one_step_ahead_decoder = TransformerOneStepDecoder( num_layers=num_layers, num_heads=num_heads, max_length=max_tgt_length, units=units, hidden_size=hidden_size, dropout=dropout, scaled=scaled, use_residual=use_residual, weight_initializer=weight_initializer, bias_initializer=bias_initializer, prefix=prefix + 'dec_', params=decoder.collect_params()) return encoder, decoder, one_step_ahead_decoder def _get_transformer_model(model_cls, model_name, dataset_name, src_vocab, tgt_vocab, encoder, decoder, one_step_ahead_decoder, share_embed, embed_size, tie_weights, embed_initializer, pretrained, ctx, root, **kwargs): src_vocab = _load_vocab(dataset_name + '_src', src_vocab, root) tgt_vocab = _load_vocab(dataset_name + '_tgt', tgt_vocab, root) kwargs['encoder'] = encoder kwargs['decoder'] = decoder kwargs['one_step_ahead_decoder'] = one_step_ahead_decoder kwargs['src_vocab'] = src_vocab kwargs['tgt_vocab'] = tgt_vocab kwargs['share_embed'] = share_embed kwargs['embed_size'] = embed_size kwargs['tie_weights'] = tie_weights kwargs['embed_initializer'] = embed_initializer # XXX the existing model is trained with prefix 'transformer_' net = model_cls(prefix='transformer_', **kwargs) if pretrained: _load_pretrained_params(net, model_name, dataset_name, root, ctx) return net, src_vocab, tgt_vocab transformer_en_de_hparams = { 'num_units': 512, 'hidden_size': 2048, 'dropout': 0.1, 'epsilon': 0.1, 'num_layers': 6, 'num_heads': 8, 'scaled': True, 'share_embed': True, 'embed_size': 512, 'tie_weights': True, 'embed_initializer': None }
[docs]def transformer_en_de_512(dataset_name=None, src_vocab=None, tgt_vocab=None, pretrained=False, ctx=cpu(), root=os.path.join(get_home_dir(), 'models'), hparam_allow_override=False, **kwargs): r"""Transformer pretrained model. Embedding size is 400, and hidden layer size is 1150. Parameters ---------- dataset_name : str or None, default None src_vocab : gluonnlp.Vocab or None, default None tgt_vocab : gluonnlp.Vocab or None, default None pretrained : bool, default False Whether to load the pretrained weights for model. ctx : Context, default CPU The context in which to load the pretrained weights. root : str, default '$MXNET_HOME/models' Location for keeping the model parameters. MXNET_HOME defaults to '~/.mxnet'. hparam_allow_override : bool, default False If set to True, pre-defined hyper-parameters of the model (e.g. the number of layers, hidden units) can be overriden. Returns ------- gluon.Block, gluonnlp.Vocab, gluonnlp.Vocab """ predefined_args = transformer_en_de_hparams.copy() if not hparam_allow_override: mutable_args = frozenset(['num_units', 'hidden_size', 'dropout', 'epsilon', 'num_layers', 'num_heads', 'scaled']) assert all((k not in kwargs or k in mutable_args) for k in predefined_args), \ 'Cannot override predefined model settings.' predefined_args.update(kwargs) encoder, decoder, one_step_ahead_decoder = get_transformer_encoder_decoder( units=predefined_args['num_units'], hidden_size=predefined_args['hidden_size'], dropout=predefined_args['dropout'], num_layers=predefined_args['num_layers'], num_heads=predefined_args['num_heads'], max_src_length=530, max_tgt_length=549, scaled=predefined_args['scaled']) return _get_transformer_model(NMTModel, 'transformer_en_de_512', dataset_name, src_vocab, tgt_vocab, encoder, decoder, one_step_ahead_decoder, predefined_args['share_embed'], predefined_args['embed_size'], predefined_args['tie_weights'], predefined_args['embed_initializer'], pretrained, ctx, root)
class ParallelTransformer(Parallelizable): """Data parallel transformer. Parameters ---------- model : Block The transformer model. label_smoothing: Block The block to perform label smoothing. loss_function : Block The loss function to optimizer. rescale_loss : float The scale to which the loss is rescaled to avoid gradient explosion. """ def __init__(self, model, label_smoothing, loss_function, rescale_loss): self._model = model self._label_smoothing = label_smoothing self._loss = loss_function self._rescale_loss = rescale_loss def forward_backward(self, x): """Perform forward and backward computation for a batch of src seq and dst seq""" (src_seq, tgt_seq, src_valid_length, tgt_valid_length), batch_size = x with mx.autograd.record(): out, _ = self._model(src_seq, tgt_seq[:, :-1], src_valid_length, tgt_valid_length - 1) smoothed_label = self._label_smoothing(tgt_seq[:, 1:]) ls = self._loss(out, smoothed_label, tgt_valid_length - 1).sum() ls = (ls * (tgt_seq.shape[1] - 1)) / batch_size / self._rescale_loss ls.backward() return ls