Source code for gluonnlp.model.train.embedding

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# pylint: disable=abstract-method
"""Trainable embedding models."""

__all__ = ['EmbeddingModel', 'CSREmbeddingModel', 'FasttextEmbeddingModel']

import logging
import struct
import warnings

import numpy as np
from mxnet import cpu, nd
from mxnet.gluon import Block, HybridBlock

from ...vocab.subwords import create_subword_function

[docs]class EmbeddingModel(Block): """Abstract base class for embedding models for training. An embedding model is a Gluon block with additional __contains__ and __getitem__ support for computing embeddings given a string or list of strings. See the documentation of __contains__ and __getitem__ for details. """ def __contains__(self, token): """Checks if a vector for token could be computed. Parameters ---------- token : str A token. Returns ------- bool: True if a vector for token can be computed. """ raise NotImplementedError def __getitem__(self, tokens): """Looks up embedding vectors of text tokens. Parameters ---------- tokens : str or list of strs A token or a list of tokens. Returns ------- mxnet.ndarray.NDArray: The embedding vector(s) of the token(s). According to numpy conventions, if `tokens` is a string, returns a 1-D NDArray (vector); if `tokens` is a list of strings, returns a 2-D NDArray (matrix) of shape=(len(tokens), vec_len). """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class CSREmbeddingModel(EmbeddingModel, HybridBlock): """A trainable embedding model. This class is a simple wrapper around the mxnet.gluon.nn.Embedding. It trains independent embedding vectors for every token. It implements the `gluonnlp.model.train.EmbeddingModel` interface which provides convenient helper methods. Parameters ---------- token_to_idx : dict token_to_idx mapping of the vocabulary that this model is to be trained with. token_to_idx is used for __getitem__ and __contains__. For initialization len(token_to_idx) is used to specify the size of the subword embedding matrix. output_dim : int Dimension of the dense embedding. weight_initializer : mxnet.initializer.Initializer, optional Initializer for the embeddings matrix. sparse_grad : bool, default True Specifies mxnet.gluon.nn.Embedding sparse_grad argument. dtype : str, default 'float32' dtype argument passed to gluon.nn.Embedding """ def __init__(self, token_to_idx, output_dim, weight_initializer=None, sparse_grad=True, dtype='float32', **kwargs): super(CSREmbeddingModel, self).__init__(**kwargs) assert isinstance(token_to_idx, dict) self._token_to_idx = token_to_idx self._kwargs = { 'input_dim': len(token_to_idx), 'output_dim': output_dim, 'dtype': dtype, 'sparse_grad': sparse_grad} grad_stype = 'row_sparse' if sparse_grad else 'default' self.weight = self.params.get( 'weight', shape=(len(token_to_idx), output_dim), init=weight_initializer, dtype=dtype, allow_deferred_init=True, grad_stype=grad_stype) # yapf: disable
[docs] def hybrid_forward(self, F, words, weight): """Compute embedding of words in batch. Parameters ---------- words : mx.nd.NDArray Array of token indices. """ #pylint: disable=arguments-differ embeddings =, weight) return embeddings
def __repr__(self): s = '{block_name}({input_dim} -> {output_dim}, {dtype})' return s.format(block_name=self.__class__.__name__, **self._kwargs) def __contains__(self, token): return token in self.idx_to_token def __getitem__(self, tokens): """Looks up embedding vectors of text tokens. Parameters ---------- tokens : str or list of strs A token or a list of tokens. Returns ------- mxnet.ndarray.NDArray: The embedding vector(s) of the token(s). According to numpy conventions, if `tokens` is a string, returns a 1-D NDArray (vector); if `tokens` is a list of strings, returns a 2-D NDArray (matrix) of shape=(len(tokens), vec_len). """ squeeze = False if isinstance(tokens, str): tokens = [tokens] squeeze = True row = np.arange(len(tokens)) col = np.array([self._token_to_idx[t] for t in tokens]) x = nd.sparse.csr_matrix( (np.ones(len(row)), (row, col)), dtype=self._kwargs['dtype'], ctx=self.weight.list_ctx()[0], shape=(len(tokens), self.weight.shape[0]), ) vecs = self(x) if squeeze: assert len(vecs) == 1 return vecs[0].squeeze() else: return vecs
[docs]class FasttextEmbeddingModel(EmbeddingModel, HybridBlock): """FastText embedding model. The FasttextEmbeddingModel combines a word level embedding matrix and a subword level embedding matrix. It implements the `gluonnlp.model.train.EmbeddingModel` interface which provides convenient functions. Parameters ---------- token_to_idx : dict token_to_idx mapping of the vocabulary that this model is to be trained with. token_to_idx is used for __getitem__ and __contains__. For initialization len(token_to_idx) is used to specify the size of the subword embedding matrix.. subword_function : gluonnlp.vocab.SubwordFunction The subword function used to obtain the subword indices during training this model. The subword_function is used for __getitem__ and __contains__. For initialization len(subword_function) is used to specify the size of the subword embedding matrix.. output_dim : int Dimension of embeddings. weight_initializer : mxnet.initializer.Initializer, optional Initializer for the embeddings and subword embeddings matrix. sparse_grad : bool, default True Specifies mxnet.gluon.nn.Embedding sparse_grad argument. dtype : str, default 'float32' dtype argument passed to gluon.nn.Embedding """ FASTTEXT_FILEFORMAT_MAGIC = 793712314 def __init__(self, token_to_idx, subword_function, output_dim, weight_initializer=None, sparse_grad=True, dtype='float32', **kwargs): super(FasttextEmbeddingModel, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._token_to_idx = token_to_idx self._subword_function = subword_function self._kwargs = { 'num_words': len(token_to_idx), 'num_subwords': len(subword_function), 'output_dim': output_dim, 'dtype': dtype, 'sparse_grad': sparse_grad} self.weight_initializer = weight_initializer self.sparse_grad = sparse_grad self.dtype = dtype grad_stype = 'row_sparse' if sparse_grad else 'default' self.weight = self.params.get( 'weight', shape=(len(token_to_idx) + len(subword_function), output_dim), init=weight_initializer, dtype=dtype, allow_deferred_init=True, grad_stype=grad_stype) # yapf: disable
[docs] @classmethod def load_fasttext_format(cls, path, ctx=cpu(), **kwargs): """Create an instance of the class and load weights. Load the weights from the fastText binary format created by Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the .bin model file. ctx : mx.Context, default mx.cpu() Context to initialize the weights on. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments are passed to the class initializer. """ with open(path, 'rb') as f: new_format, dim, bucket, minn, maxn, = cls._read_model_params(f) idx_to_token = cls._read_vocab(f, new_format) dim, matrix = cls._read_vectors(f, new_format, bucket, len(idx_to_token)) token_to_idx = {token: idx for idx, token in enumerate(idx_to_token)} if len(token_to_idx) != len(idx_to_token): # If multiple tokens with invalid encoding were collapsed in a # single token due to replacement of invalid bytes with Unicode # replacement character warnings.warn( 'There are duplicate tokens in the embedding file. ' 'This is likely due to decoding errors for some tokens, ' 'where invalid bytes were replaced by ' 'the Unicode replacement character. ' 'This affects {} tokens.'.format( len(idx_to_token) - len(token_to_idx))) for _ in range(len(token_to_idx), len(idx_to_token)): # Add pseudo tokens to make sure length is the same token_to_idx[object()] = -1 assert len(token_to_idx) == len(idx_to_token) subword_function = create_subword_function( 'NGramHashes', num_subwords=matrix.shape[0] - len(idx_to_token), ngrams=list(range(minn, maxn + 1)), special_tokens={'</s>'}) self = cls(token_to_idx, subword_function, output_dim=dim, **kwargs) self.initialize(ctx=ctx) self.weight.set_data(nd.array(matrix)) return self
@classmethod def _read_model_params(cls, file_handle): magic, _ = cls._struct_unpack(file_handle, '@2i') if magic == cls.FASTTEXT_FILEFORMAT_MAGIC: # newer format new_format = True dim, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, bucket, minn, maxn, _, _ = \ cls._struct_unpack(file_handle, '@12i1d') else: # older format new_format = False dim = magic _, _, _, _, _, _, bucket, minn, maxn, _, _ = \ cls._struct_unpack(file_handle, '@10i1d') return new_format, dim, bucket, minn, maxn @classmethod def _read_vocab(cls, file_handle, new_format, encoding='utf8'): vocab_size, nwords, nlabels = cls._struct_unpack(file_handle, '@3i') if nlabels > 0: warnings.warn(( 'Provided model contains labels (nlabels={})' 'This indicates you are either not using a word embedding model ' 'or that the model was created with a buggy version of fasttext. ' 'Ignoring all labels.').format(nlabels))'Loading %s words from fastText model.', vocab_size) cls._struct_unpack(file_handle, '@1q') # number of tokens if new_format: pruneidx_size, = cls._struct_unpack(file_handle, '@q') idx_to_token = [] for _ in range(vocab_size): word_bytes = b'' char_byte = # Read vocab word while char_byte != b'\x00': word_bytes += char_byte char_byte = # 'surrogateescape' would be better but only available in Py3 word = word_bytes.decode(encoding, errors='replace') _, entry_type = cls._struct_unpack(file_handle, '@qb') if entry_type: # Skip incorrectly included labels (affects assert nlabels > 0 continue idx_to_token.append(word) assert len(idx_to_token) == nwords, \ 'Mismatch between words in pre-trained model file ({} words), ' \ 'and expected number of words ({} words)'.format(len(idx_to_token), nwords) if new_format: for _ in range(pruneidx_size): cls._struct_unpack(file_handle, '@2i') return idx_to_token @classmethod def _read_vectors(cls, file_handle, new_format, bucket, vocab_len): if new_format: # bool quant_input in cls._struct_unpack(file_handle, '@?') num_vectors, dim = cls._struct_unpack(file_handle, '@2q') assert num_vectors == bucket + vocab_len # Vectors stored by Matrix::save float_size = struct.calcsize('@f') if float_size == 4: dtype = np.dtype(np.float32) elif float_size == 8: dtype = np.dtype(np.float64) vectors_ngrams = np.fromfile(file_handle, dtype=dtype, count=num_vectors * dim) \ .reshape((num_vectors, dim)) return dim, vectors_ngrams @classmethod def _struct_unpack(cls, file_handle, fmt): num_bytes = struct.calcsize(fmt) return struct.unpack(fmt, def __repr__(self): s = '{block_name}({num_words} + {num_subwords} -> {output_dim}, {dtype})' return s.format(block_name=self.__class__.__name__, **self._kwargs) def __contains__(self, token): # supports computing vector for any str that is at least either in the # word level vocabulary or contains subwords return (token in self._token_to_idx or self._subword_function([token])[0]) def __getitem__(self, tokens): """Looks up embedding vectors of text tokens. Parameters ---------- tokens : str or list of strs A token or a list of tokens. Returns ------- mxnet.ndarray.NDArray: The embedding vector(s) of the token(s). According to numpy conventions, if `tokens` is a string, returns a 1-D NDArray (vector); if `tokens` is a list of strings, returns a 2-D NDArray (matrix) of shape=(len(tokens), vec_len). """ squeeze = False if isinstance(tokens, str): tokens = [tokens] squeeze = True data = [] row = [] col = [] subwords = self._subword_function(tokens) offset = len(self._token_to_idx) for i, (token, token_subwords) in enumerate(zip(tokens, subwords)): if token not in self: raise KeyError if token in self._token_to_idx: col.append(self._token_to_idx[token]) num = 1 + len(token_subwords) else: num = len(token_subwords) data += [1.0 / num] * num row += [i] * num col += [s + offset for s in token_subwords] x = nd.sparse.csr_matrix( (data, (row, col)), shape=(len(tokens), self.weight.shape[0]), dtype=self.dtype, ctx=self.weight.list_ctx()[0]) emb = self(x) if squeeze: return emb.squeeze() else: return emb
[docs] def hybrid_forward(self, F, words, weight): """Compute embedding of words in batch. Parameters ---------- words : mxnet.ndarray.sparse.CSRNDArray Sparse array containing weights for every word and subword index. Output is the weighted sum of word and subword embeddings. """ #pylint: disable=arguments-differ embeddings =, weight) return embeddings